Sunday, December 22, 2013


Hi there! 

Kelly and I had talked about going on a run in the evening to look at all the lights in the neighborhoods! This was about 3 weeks ago. It hadn't happened. Life. 

But alas, it did today!  I woke up with a headache but was determined to not let the last day of this crazy warm weather hold me back from finally getting a run in to see all the pretty lights!

Quick text to Kelly and Cristen and it was on!  

We hadn't run together, all three of us, since our training days for the 1/2! I had ran separately with Kelly at SNAPP and with Cristen at the 4 Miler. I was uber excited!   Catching up, random convos about the lights, my lofty goals for next year (separate post in the works!), the holidays, oh, and let's not forget the random silence when all you heard was our labored breathing! What fun it was!! The lights were so pretty! We even wished random people a Merry Christmas and it was returned. It was so nice! 

I felt so great the entire run! I can't remember when I felt THAT GREAT!

Here are some pics of our favorite houses...

Merry Christmas my dear friends! May you have a blessed holiday with family and friends!

Run. Strong. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Stair and a little wheezing

So I haven't done any workouts since the Turkey Trot. Again, life. 

So tonight while Nate is at SNAPP, I thought I would do the inside stairwells for some cardio. And after each flight do some burpees (hate), wall sits, sit ups, and lunges. See how far I could get up the stairwell. First set was good. I did 10 arm presses on the heater. Ran up another flight and 25 sit ups. Up another flight and 10 sec wall sit. By this flight, I am wheezing. Wheezing so bad I can feel it in my chest and hear it. I head down. Catch my breath and try to run up another flight. Make it to the first landing and have to stop and walk the second. I am going to get some of these in. And then I really can't breathe. Good thing I am in a hospital! 

I end up walking back down and decide to call it quits. I can't breathe. It hurts to breathe. Ugh. No time to be sick. 

I'm wishing I would have just ran outside and around the hospital parking lot. I wasn't sure it would be clear enough. Duh, I think, it's a hospital; it's gonna be clear. And it was. It may have been bone-chilling cold, but it would have felt better. At least that is what I am telling myself until Thursday when Nate is back here for another session. I will run Thursday. Outside. 

And I am not getting sick.  

Run. Strong. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope each and every one of you had a great Thanksgiving Day and evening!

I headed north to Akron/Canton to spend Thanksgiving with my family, sans Nate :( as he was with his dad. Weird not having him here with us. 

Rise and shine at 6am to help sis "bathe Tom the turkey, give him a nice massage of EVOO and Harry and David Turkey seasoning, dress him with some stuffing, and seal him up". Sis can't do it. It grosses her out.   Then out the door for me by 7 to meet my dad and Deb on a very cold, 16 degrees to be exact, snowy as icey morning to run a 5k. A Turkey Trot. 

I'm not even gonna get into how cold it really was. It was cold. But it wasn't the cold that had me so concerned. It was the ice and snow that I have never, ever ran in/on. I was only thinking that "if I make it thru this race without falling on my ass then I can run in the winter...outside!"  And I did. Very. Very. Carefully. Dad and I ran together. He was ahead of me a little but would check back and I would catch up and we would continue. He is used to running under these types of conditions. And so there we were.  The last time we ran a race together and finished together was July 2011. I was seriously dead last. No, he was actually. Dad let me cross before him so I wouldn't be last.   So anyhow...we kept running. And it was good. Until about mile 1.5 when the turkey trot actually turned into a turkey TROTS for me. If ya know what I mean...

Anyhow. I finished. Because as my dad says "nothing you can do but finish". Yep. That's about it. Keep running. Cry later. And I did. Secretly. And then I wiped my tears. I finished. With my dad cheering me on behind me because he let me cross the finish line ahead of him. But this time, we weren't DEAD LAST. 

Deb placed first in her age group! 23 minutes or something?! Just amazing. And dad, well, he placed 2nd in his age group!  Well earned medals! 

Me? I didn't place with a medal in my age group. But I placed 1st with my dad. I always do. And I placed first with myself because I ran my first race in conditions that I have never ran in and I didn't fall on my ass. And my time, our time, was 41 minutes, I think, which is a HUGE improvement from the race in 2011. It wasn't a 5k PR, but given the conditions (weather and this turkey trottin') I will take it! 

On a side sister and I contemplated going out tonight shopping but decided against it. Stay in and hang as a family. We never just get to chill when we come home. And my brother-n-law had a kegerator in the basement! 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Run. Strong. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


That's all you are gonna get from this post. I really need to dedicate more time to blogging. 

So here goes. My ramblings of everything going on. This may be a long post. Get a cup of coffee, or a SPARK, get comfy cause here it goes.

The OSU 4 MILER was amazing. The race course itself was fantastic. Run thru The Ohio State University and finish on the 50-yard line of the SHOE. No brainer. Especially if you are a BUCKEYE fan! And to top it all off, Nate and I ran it together. You know that teenager of mine??? Yeah, him. SMH. He was encouraging. I was encouraging. We encouraged and did it together. I have never had a prouder moment (that I can remember) as a parent than running with him.

I took the following Monday off to work on things around the house. It's was Veteran's Day. Base was closed. And I had a dentist appointment. I got the leaves raked. Christmas lights up on the house. Toilet caulked. Garage cleaned up so my car could fit. New blinds in the kitchen installed.Food prepped for the week. I got a lot done that day. I love productive days. I know there is something I am forgetting.

Anyhow. It wasn't the last time I raked the leaves. I, or rather Nate and I, probably have done it a total of 6 times since then with the final time being this past Sunday in the blustery wind! But it's done. At least it is for this year unless it warms up to 50 degrees!

I did manage to get a run in last week though. Nate had SNAPP (Samaritan North Athletic Performance Program) on Tuesday. Kelly has Ryan (her oldest son) enrolled too and at the same time. So, I told her to dress warm cause we were going for a run! I have wanted to run for so long! And I really have no excuse to not go by myself other than it is BY MYSELF. Who likes to do that??? I better start...  It was cold that night. But the wind was minimal so it seemed doable. We were just going to run around the perimeter of the hospital. It lighted and security drives around, so we felt safe. We started off fast. I felt good tho. I mean, it was about 12/mile, which is fast, for me. And even more so for her considering she hadn't run since the half at the END OF SEPTEMBER! Shame on you Kelly!   It was also hilly. But OH MY GOODNESS! I felt great. It felt great. She talked. I listened. We ran. It was fun! Just like 'old times'.  I even thru some stairs in there. There's a small set at the top of the lot that goes to another parking lot. Maybe 10-15 steps, with a landing. Easy peasy. Up and down those fast about 5 times. Felt good! Down the hill to the bottom and then back up the hill. The second time around we were going to go back to the car but she was talking about something and I didn't let her know we could be done so we kept running. Until we turn the corner and she says "well shoot, you distracted me!" Yep! Sure did!  It was fun. I felt amazing. It just felt good.

I did get some house projects done that I have been putting hanging my medal rack that my dear Waltham co-worked CAF made for me! And finding a hat hanger at the thrift store to hang up my ball caps!
Where the medals used to hang...not safe
On the medal rack in the spare room!

Love my hat rack! $.99 at the thrift store!
 On another note...feeling good. I haven't been. So I have been thru a round of doctors (okay, just the Chiropractor and my Gyno and Digestive). All three VERY IMPORTANT doctors.  So here's the run-down:
  • Chiropractor. Yes, the AHHHHHMAZING Dr. Prikkel. I made an appointment a couple of weeks ago for some numbness and shooting pain in right arm (I clarify for fears of heart attack). He was aware of this as I inquired about carpal tunnel with him and he did some special thing and some special exercises for it so I thought going back to him before I made an appt with the GP would be good. See, this pain was shooting up my arm from my fingers and back down and then radiating up and down my arm to about my shoulder and shoulder blade. The pain was so bad it would wake me in the middle of the night. I would roll over and cry. Hurts. So. Bad. So some electro-stimulation, adjustments and what not and I am about "cured". Or rather, the pain is subsiding. Thoracic Entrapment. That's what it is.  I am sleeping more. The tingling and pain isn't as constant. It's definitely an improvement. One more appointment and hopefully I will be more on the mend. 
  • Gyno. Annual. You know. My meds are off. I am so moody. Expressed concern about pre-menopausual (aren't we all?!?!) She thinks I'm fine. I scheduled a Mammogram. My first. It was today. Interesting. I was very reflective during it. The technician was very nice. Kept asking if I was "doing okay" Yes, it was awkward. But all I could think about was my friend who had a mammogram to confirm her worst fear. And then the GMA news anchor and how she had her first mammogram without any suspicion and she found out she had breast cancer. So, I reflected. And I prayed. For my friend. For all the women (and men) that have breast cancer. It really wasn't bad at all. If you are of age to get one, get it. Don't wait.
  • Digestive. Damn UC. Actually, it was just a follow-up. And my doctor has the best bedside manner a doctor could have. He is gentle. He listens. He expresses interest in your life. And he is even better at expressing concern about your life. So I had a full blood workup done. Concerned that I am pre-diabetic. That scared me. Here I thought I was healthy. Making healthy choices. Taking my supplements and vitamins. Watching what I eat. Only to realize that I AM NOT doing everything I can or should to take better care of myself. So, in this week before the biggest eating day all year, I am embarking on a plan to become more aware of what I eat. To physically WATCH what I eat. I am not going to limit myself. If I want a cookie, I get a cookie. One. Not two. I am going to consciously be aware of what I eat. 
Nate is going to his dad's for Thanksgiving this year. It's his fathers favorite holiday so I relent. I made a whole 11# turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, stuffing. The whole shebang!  (NOTE: This was before the Digestive appointment.) It was delicious. Nate enjoyed it. And we will be eating it until tonight.   In turn, I am going to go home to my sister's. She begged. So I said yes. I can't resist my niece. And my sister promised shopping. I love shopping with my sister.  

Happy Boy!
Thanksgiving just wouldn't the same if I didn't do a RACE! I usually sign up for the Turkey Trot in Miamisburg which is a 5-miler. But they changed the course and the swag was a crappy crew-neck sweatshirt. So I didn't sign up. Hey, at least I am honest about it. I had planned on doing a 5k here in V-Town at the Rec or even just going out on my own. But since I am heading home, why not do one with my Dad and Deb! So I signed up last night for a 5k with them! I will even get a shirt! Yay me! And then I looked at the weather. Crap. Cold. NE Ohio. Yay NOT me!  I will do it. It will be fun. It's only 3.1 miles. Easy peasy. HA! Wait for that update!

So, that's my ramblings. At least all that I can think of for now. I may be back later. 

I am going to try and run tonight. Or do the stairs inside the hospital.

Run. Strong.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Wordless Weekend!

2 words.  


Bike. Cowboy boots. Enough said.

Beautiful sunrise

The MENUS! If you have not seen them, GO!

Bondi Band represented!

I have never had a prouder moment with this kid!

These kids! Love them!!!

Hope you had a great weekend! 
I will post a race update later!

Run. Strong! I am back!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wordless Weekend (and week)!

Another busy life in this crazy half-runner...literally and figuratively...I haven't run since last weekend, EEEK! And a 4 mile race on Sunday! YOWZERS! Better get some miles in. But I think canoodling with runners at the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon and 1/2 counts for something.

Say what?! 

I am a Bondi Band Rep! YAY ME!!!! I. LOVED. IT. I mean seriously what's not to love...hanging at a Race Expo, seeing runners and runners and runners, hot guys, nice legs, awesome clothes, some cool vendors, sell some AWESOME BONDI BANDS, and get paid to do it!  NO. BRAINER. So that was my Thursday and Friday. Working the Bondi Band booth from start to finish of the Expo. It was a lot of work. And BONDI COMPRESSION SOCKS WORK! (no I am not getting paid to write this; I actually wore them 2 straight days, on my feet all day long; felt great!). It is an awesome gig! It's easy to sell something that you totally believe in (kinda like the Advocare!)!

Then my favorite sister (and only!) and sweet niece came to visit!  

Another busy week lies ahead...look for more pics this weekend! It's gonna be a fun one!!!

Run. Strong. JUST RUN!

My niece. She is such a goof!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wordless Weekend x2!

Yeah. I know. I promised. I failed. I'm kinda busy in the "off season" of training. And I was a little hurt. But I'm better now and as much as I would like to think my life is slowing down, I know I'm kidding myself! So here are my musings from the last 2 weeks! Enjoy!!

Run. Strong.