Hi there fellow friends! I've been off-line a little, and I apologize for that. I got to thinking that even though I am not running all the freaking time doesn't mean that I can't post about all the other fun in my life! So that's what this post will be about...with some running...don't worry...
I got a solid 3 runs in this week! 3 miles, 2.5 miles and then a WHOPPING 7 miles just yesterday! I am still stoked on that 7 miler, I ain't gonna lie! Times weren't the best, but the biggest thing is that I did it. And I gave it all I had. But that 7 miler...really brought me back to the love of running.
It was Kelly and I. We started at Old Springfield with the intent to do 6. I kinda figured we would end up at 7. Ran north to Kyle Park. Which was against the wind I might add. But it wasn't too hateful. It made ya move a little faster! Kyle Park was pumping with soccer games so it was full of people watching and dodging. But it was so fun! I am one of those people who, when running past others, think "are they looking at me? do I look silly? are they thinking "I should go do that"? please don't let me fall!" Yeah, I am one of those... I don't care really, makes me improve.
We cross over Main Street because I just had to see the Lock Canal...yeah, it's a bunch of nothin! But I had to see it. Crossing back over we see Karine and Amy! And Karine remembers my name! I have met this wonderful lady once...at a race...with Boss Lady. Once. Since then I have seen her 3 times. And all 3 times she remembered my name, that I was training for a half, and yesterday asked me how I did! And high-fived me! I know this may seem silly, but it just makes me smile from ear to ear! I mean COME ON! SHE KNOWS MY NAME! It is just so cool. But anyhow.
So, back into the park we go and we take the longer route around to hopefully find a water fountain or tackle a soccer mom/dad for the jug of water they are carrying for their kid. Thankfully I didn't have to tackle, although Kelly was ready with her phone to take a picture if I did! There was a water fountain in the shelter. That was working. Couple drinks of water and we head back to the car. It was either warming up (defined as 35 degrees) or running with the wind you don't feel the cold. Either way, it was a little harder. About mile 6.5 we both said that we could feel it. Hips. Feet. But we pushed on. And in the end, we knew that we would be able to conquer the Hot Chocolate 15k November 18th!
- Nate is kicking my ass again on the plank-a-day challenge. And I will probably owe him $10. But I am still striving to hold it longer!
- We started Advocare's 24 Day Challenge Sunday! I will be writing a separate post to explain the program! It is phenomenal! I lost 40 pounds total on this program in 6 months...18 of it in the first 24 days! And if my 12 y/o son can do it, it's gotta be ok!
- Nate and I stopped at the Taylorsville Dam yesterday to scope out a site for pictures this weekend. And while doing so, he says "let's go for a hike" Ummmmm, OK!!!!!!!! I have been asking him to do this for months! So, we picked a route (the shortest one..."to test it out, Mom") and off we went! I did get a promise that we will do a longer one next time! OKAY!!! Happy Mom right here!
- I had this amazing lunch today! Tuna mixed with Spicy 3 Pepper Hummus on romaine leaves with some plain broccoli slaw! DELICIOUSNESS! Protein packed YUMMINESS!!! Try it!

Gonna try and get a couple short runs/walks in this week (not supposed to do to much exercise in the first 10 days of the challenge) if the weather holds out! Hurricane Sandy is bringing us some wind!!! And colder temps! And dare I say it...s-n-o-w! ICK!
To the dreadmill I go!
Run. Strong. BOO!
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