...since I have posted an update. And for no other reason than that time has gotten away from me. But rest assured, the training has not.
photo cred: http://lopvilleliving.com |
Life just throws you ups and downs. I can't say I have had more of one or the other. Just have had them. And plenty of them. Moments when I thought I was slipping down a rocky cliff. And then moments when I was dancing on the clouds. I have been really working at having more cloud dances, or as I like to term "Rainbows and Unicorns" happy times. It's not always that easy. 430am wake up calls 4x a week, 9 hour work days, tending to a home and teenager all the time, phone taking a dump just as the warranty ended, losing everything on it because this girl didn't back up to the Cloud all the time, doesn't always bring a "Rainbow and Unicorn" but the run/workout does make me feel a little better. At least immediately after...
Some days the workouts are easier than others. And some days I ask myself "what the hell was I thinking???" Even 2 weeks out from Akron 1/2, I am asking myself that....
It's different this time around. And I can't pinpoint exactly why, but I do have a few thoughts...and not in any particular order...
- It's the second time I will be doing this particular 13.1 (well 3rd if you count the time Runner Dad and I biked it). And really this is a lame reason because I have done plenty 'o-5k's on the same route/race. But those 5k's are just 3.1 miles, roughly 38 minutes....not 13.1 miles and roughly 3 H-O-U-R-S
- This next thought, may come across realllly bad, and I apologize for sounding rude/inconsiderate/selfish/mean. Training hasn't been "all about ME!" Selfish. Go ahead. Say it. I do. Every. Single. Time. I. Think. It. I have my Kelly and Cristen training too! And I am sooooo thrilled for them! So excited to see them do this 1/2 and I just hope I can finish before them! I want to see THEM CROSS THE FINISH LINE! So maybe it isn't selfish after all.
- And the training hasn't been as "stellar" as it was last year. Maybe I am too confident? Looking back I was actually on injury this time last year. Butt pain. Ha. Pain in the butt...yep, that's me. This year, injury free. KNOCK ON WOOD!
- The weather. It's been so crazy. I have worn shorts and a tank top. Capri's and a long-sleeve shirt. Capri's and a short sleeve shirt. Capri's and a tank top. Just weird. No gloves yet. I refuse. But there have been many a chilly and many a hot mornings! Rain, nor, sleet, nor snow have slowed me down though. Tiredness, well, yeah.
- Tired. Yes, definitely a noticeable amount of tiredness. May be relate-able to #4 above. It could be age. I am approaching 39, for the first time I might add.
So the runs. Yep, done them all, well minus the tempo's. But I didn't do them last year! Sure, I know, new and improved! But it doesn't make sense in a laundry detergent, how can it make sense in a training plan. I am sure Training Planner will chime in somewhere with the relation. So I will wait for that. Speedwork, done. Long Runs, done (even a 12 miler that I did not do last year due to injury). Hills, done. Bleachers, done. Casual 5ks, done. I guess I am good to go. Still yearning for that PR in 2 weeks. And still believe it can happen. Even 2 minutes. PR is PR.
I have a plan in mind to get me thru the next 2 weeks. It started with trying to shed a few pounds (Advocare 10 Day Herbal Cleanse). And I have. 6 to date. And I feel lighter. Wasn't the smartest decision as it didn't allow the carbs I enjoy, er I mean need, prior to my long runs, or running at all [insert: PIZZA, PASTA, BREAD]. But I managed with sweet potatoes, bananas, quinoa, you know the "healthier carbs".
It worked. The 12 miler on Saturday was good. I was not deprived. My body felt great. I was starving after the run and for most of the day though. I used my chews and gu's without concern as I knew I was burning it off as I was running. But even more so, I did it in new shoes. Say what?! Yep, new shoes.
I noticed my Asics were well worn about 3 weeks ago, so I ordered a new pair. Well, within 3 runs/15 miles, they were wearing down again in the same spot. I continued to wear them and this past week Speedy-Feet and I went to RoadRunner Sports in Columbus to discuss the shoes with the store. I did another gait test and found that I was actually running more stable that I thought I was. My foot was landing straight, my ankles had plenty of flexibility, and I wasn't striking bad. She wanted to put me in a Neutral shoe. I hesitated. She saw that. We discussed the 1/2 in 2 weeks and my apprehensions about switching shoes this close. Then it was decided to switch to a Stability shoe vs. a Motion Control Plus shoe which I was currently wearing. It's just a step down and in the "middle" before a Neutral. They are so smart up there. I tried the Asics Kayano 19, nice. I thought, Asics are my brand, let's try it first. It felt good, but not great. Tried a Nike something. Not nice. Rather uncomfortable. IMO, Nike is a style shoe, not a running shoe. Next up, Saucony PowerGrid Hurricane.
Oh my. This shoe was unbelievable. It was cushioned, it was light, it just felt good. Great actually. Again, expressed my concern. She reminded me that I was a VIP (yes, corny I know, but at this store, VIP is pretty awesome!) and that if I didn't like them I could bring them back for a full refund or exchange within 90 days. Or if I did like them and didn't want the original Asics, I could return the Asics as I was only 20 days into them. It was also suggested that I do some short runs in them. Get used to them. I will know right away if they will work or not. And I did find out on my 12 miler, but I think I will save that for a separate post because that was an A-W-E-S-O-M-E run.
So, that's where we stand. Life's ups and downs. With less than two weeks left, 12 days to be exact, I am determined to write more in the coming weeks. It is a good release. Keeps me focused. Something to think to about when I am out there running, thinking about life's ups and downs.
Run. Strong.