...since I have posted an update. And for no other reason than that time has gotten away from me. But rest assured, the training has not.
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photo cred: http://lopvilleliving.com |
Life just throws you ups and downs. I can't say I have had more of one or the other. Just have had them. And plenty of them. Moments when I thought I was slipping down a rocky cliff. And then moments when I was dancing on the clouds. I have been really working at having more cloud dances, or as I like to term "Rainbows and Unicorns" happy times. It's not always that easy. 430am wake up calls 4x a week, 9 hour work days, tending to a home and teenager all the time, phone taking a dump just as the warranty ended, losing everything on it because this girl didn't back up to the Cloud all the time, doesn't always bring a "Rainbow and Unicorn" but the run/workout does make me feel a little better. At least immediately after...
Some days the workouts are easier than others. And some days I ask myself "what the hell was I thinking???" Even 2 weeks out from Akron 1/2, I am asking myself that....
It's different this time around. And I can't pinpoint exactly why, but I do have a few thoughts...and not in any particular order...
- It's the second time I will be doing this particular 13.1 (well 3rd if you count the time Runner Dad and I biked it). And really this is a lame reason because I have done plenty 'o-5k's on the same route/race. But those 5k's are just 3.1 miles, roughly 38 minutes....not 13.1 miles and roughly 3 H-O-U-R-S
- This next thought, may come across realllly bad, and I apologize for sounding rude/inconsiderate/selfish/mean. Training hasn't been "all about ME!" Selfish. Go ahead. Say it. I do. Every. Single. Time. I. Think. It. I have my Kelly and Cristen training too! And I am sooooo thrilled for them! So excited to see them do this 1/2 and I just hope I can finish before them! I want to see THEM CROSS THE FINISH LINE! So maybe it isn't selfish after all.
- And the training hasn't been as "stellar" as it was last year. Maybe I am too confident? Looking back I was actually on injury this time last year. Butt pain. Ha. Pain in the butt...yep, that's me. This year, injury free. KNOCK ON WOOD!
- The weather. It's been so crazy. I have worn shorts and a tank top. Capri's and a long-sleeve shirt. Capri's and a short sleeve shirt. Capri's and a tank top. Just weird. No gloves yet. I refuse. But there have been many a chilly and many a hot mornings! Rain, nor, sleet, nor snow have slowed me down though. Tiredness, well, yeah.
- Tired. Yes, definitely a noticeable amount of tiredness. May be relate-able to #4 above. It could be age. I am approaching 39, for the first time I might add.
So the runs. Yep, done them all, well minus the tempo's. But I didn't do them last year! Sure, I know, new and improved! But it doesn't make sense in a laundry detergent, how can it make sense in a training plan. I am sure Training Planner will chime in somewhere with the relation. So I will wait for that. Speedwork, done. Long Runs, done (even a 12 miler that I did not do last year due to injury). Hills, done. Bleachers, done. Casual 5ks, done. I guess I am good to go. Still yearning for that PR in 2 weeks. And still believe it can happen. Even 2 minutes. PR is PR.
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I have a plan in mind to get me thru the next 2 weeks. It started with trying to shed a few pounds (Advocare 10 Day Herbal Cleanse). And I have. 6 to date. And I feel lighter. Wasn't the smartest decision as it didn't allow the carbs I enjoy, er I mean need, prior to my long runs, or running at all [insert: PIZZA, PASTA, BREAD]. But I managed with sweet potatoes, bananas, quinoa, you know the "healthier carbs".
It worked. The 12 miler on Saturday was good. I was not deprived. My body felt great. I was starving after the run and for most of the day though. I used my chews and gu's without concern as I knew I was burning it off as I was running. But even more so, I did it in new shoes. Say what?! Yep, new shoes.
I noticed my Asics were well worn about 3 weeks ago, so I ordered a new pair. Well, within 3 runs/15 miles, they were wearing down again in the same spot. I continued to wear them and this past week Speedy-Feet and I went to RoadRunner Sports in Columbus to discuss the shoes with the store. I did another gait test and found that I was actually running more stable that I thought I was. My foot was landing straight, my ankles had plenty of flexibility, and I wasn't striking bad. She wanted to put me in a Neutral shoe. I hesitated. She saw that. We discussed the 1/2 in 2 weeks and my apprehensions about switching shoes this close. Then it was decided to switch to a Stability shoe vs. a Motion Control Plus shoe which I was currently wearing. It's just a step down and in the "middle" before a Neutral. They are so smart up there. I tried the Asics Kayano 19, nice. I thought, Asics are my brand, let's try it first. It felt good, but not great. Tried a Nike something. Not nice. Rather uncomfortable. IMO, Nike is a style shoe, not a running shoe. Next up, Saucony PowerGrid Hurricane.
So, that's where we stand. Life's ups and downs. With less than two weeks left, 12 days to be exact, I am determined to write more in the coming weeks. It is a good release. Keeps me focused. Something to think to about when I am out there running, thinking about life's ups and downs.
Run. Strong.
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