Friday, April 20, 2012

It's been a busy week!

Since Sunday, but not including Sunday, I have logged 11.86 miles, according to the un-trusty iPod Nike+ GPS app. I would venture to say it's more like 13 miles....but we won't get too technical :)

I rested Wednesday, although it really wasn't much rest since I mowed, mulched, did some other yard work, housework and lots of other stuff. I just didn't run. And that made me kinda sad. I think I am becoming one of those people that feels "guilty" when I don't run. Rut-Rog!

I am also going to rest tonight. Although, if the weather permits, I may move the rest of the mulch out of my driveway and that will require some walking...and lifting...and spreading...and who knows what else. Although the thought of a quick little, maybe 2 mile run, is sounding more appealing...  

Randomly signed up for a 5k tomorrow. The Smith Middle School Spirit 5k or something like that. It will benefit the school. A school in which Nate doesn't attend, but a school nonetheless. And my friend Cristen is doing it so what the heck! I say random because I literally JUST SIGNED UP THIS PAST MONDAY! Thinking about it, I have this "eh, just another race" mentality. Which is totally odd for me.  Normally I would be planning my outfit, making sure everything is ready to go for the morning, and all these other "pre-race rituals" I do the day before a race. I think I'm so "whatever" about it because BFFAE isn't doing it with me. I have only done one other race with her and that was the 5k I did with my dad on his birthday last year in Akron. It was my WORST time ever.  I actually came in 2nd to last...and the only reason I wasn't last was because my dad (who ran 12 minute miles at the time) let me cross the mat first (love him!) So, maybe that's why I am so "whatever" about it...BFFAE won't be dad won't be there to not let me finish last....I don't really have any commitment to it (I haven't even paid yet)...or maybe it's because this will be my last 5k race before the BIG RACE in 14 days...  (yeah, that's the reason I'm sure...)

What I do know, and have been thinking a lot about lately (cause I have ran more this week than I ever recall running in a single week), is that I am pretty pumped about this 1/2. I'm excited more than anything. And I can't explain the excitement other than I just want it here and I just want to do it! The confidence comes from the 11 mile WALK on Sunday, the 12+ miles I RAN this week, and the 10 mile RUN/WALK BFFAE and I are doing on Sunday!  Oh, and the fact that the AMAZING Dr. Prikkel said I am doing everything great! And he did use this AMAZING thingie on my back yesterday that felt like one of those massaging/vibrating chairs! IT WAS AMAZING! 

So, I will post my run results tomorrow after Nate's baseball game. We are missing the OSU Spring Game this year and he is not happy about that, but I am getting a run in, so I AM HAPPY ABOUT THAT! HEHEHEE!!!!

run. run. run.

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