Week 2 of 1/2 training in the books. Not too great, but not too bad. Time to put it in the past and move on to the next week. Evaluate what was wrong and try to make it right.
The first step to that is the official diagnosis of a sinus infection. Antibiotics, inhaler, Sudafed. Life is finally feeling better. Still carrying tissues on my run and in the car and in the bar and at the pool and wherever I may go. But at least the end is in sight and I know I will get better.
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Lori and I at mile 4 water stop! |
Really needed to get the 8 miler in this past weekend. Sunday was the only day available for Cristen. I didn't want Sunday. Saturday, Aly and I were going out to celebrate BFFAE's birthday. I wanted to enjoy myself (even though I was the DD). I didn't want to be the downer and be home at 10pm so I could get a good nights sleep and run 8 Sunday morning. So, Friday evening it was. I met Kelly and Cristen at the bike path on Rip Rap and off we went...only after I conveniently stuffed tissues in my water bottle (no I am not posting the pic Kelly took!). I was doing okay. Had to stop a couple times to blow my nose and catch my breath but it wasn't too hateful or humid. Kelly's friend Lori met us right before Old Springfield with ice, cold water! What a lifesaver! I had water in my hand-held but it was warm and almost empty, so the ice cold water and friendly face were nice pick me ups. And pick up they did. On the way back, Cristen got into her groove and took off for a good mile or so. We we caught up to her, I was ready to take off! And I did. Found my groove and went with it. I slowed just as I was coming back to Taylorsville...you know, the winding hill. Yeah, let's walk to the top and then start off again. And we did pretty good all the way to 70 and then it just kinda died from there...pretty sure Kelly wanted to at that point. All the aches started settling in. We still had a good mile to get back to our cars. Cristen ran a little more and I did too just to keep moving at a pace to keep the aches at bay. And then it just all fell apart. I was getting major belly pains. Kelly had hip pain. Cristen was just D-O-N-E. But we made it. Barely. I did a couple down dogs and relieved my belly of some serious flatulence! Ahhhhh, that has never felt so good!
But it was done. And we could now sleep and enjoy the weekend. Mostly sleep.
So, this week. Week 3. What does it bring...mile repeats, Tempo Tuesday (yes, I'm gonna give it another whirl!), Fab Farrell Road repeats, 10 miler long run...and some cross training. I'm gonna clean up my bike and hit the road for a couple miles. Work in some abs and arms.
On another note,
Woooohooooo! So excited for her and Kelly to be a part of this crazy adventure I have been on! It's always nice to get new recruits!
Speaking of new recruits....I know a few people who follow my blog (ahem, Allison D.) who are inspired by my running and are working up the courage to join the running crew...I'm gonna get her out there yet!
Boss Lady sent me this saying yesterday she saw on Instagram... she said it reminded her of me....
I have to say, that every single one of my friends, whether they be running friends or my lifelong friends, do exactly this. And I am constantly adding new friends to my life everyday that do exactly this. And I feel very blessed.
Run. Strong.
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