Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wanted 8...

Boss Lady and I set out this morning at 10:30am to get 8 miles in. She wanted to see how she felt during/after a long run gearing up for the Hot Chocolate 15k on November 18th. See, Boss Lady is PREGNANT!!!! I am so excited! Another little bambino to run with! Boss Lady is a BOSS too! I mean, who runs a 15k 17 weeks pregnant...but even better than that...she ran a 1/2 MARATHON pregnant with her first baby! She rocks. Which also means, I have no excuses to not keep up with her at the 15k! Oh. What. Have. I. Gotten. Myself. Into???

So we started out this morning on a NEW ROUTE! I love new routes. Something new and exciting to see. Different things to look at and talk about. "Oh, that's a pretty house." "I like that land."  "Wait till you see the last hill." Again. What. Have. I. Gotten. Myself. Into???   I jest. It's not that bad.  Even though we were supposed to run at my know my 12:30/mile pace. But it was more like an 11:00/mile Which was fine. It was feeling good. But I wasn't sure I was gonna keep up with that pace for the whole 8 miles. But I was gonna try!

The first few miles were good. We had to stop and walk a couple of times. Boss Lady is pregnant and I was getting tired. If you recall from last weeks post, I started the 24 Day Challenge last Sunday....10 days cleanse, 14 days of super clean eating. But see with this cleanse means no carbs. Well, at least not the kind of carbs I am used to eating before I do a long run. Pizza, pasta, baked potato, you see what I mean? So, my energy level was kinda low. I am not complaining though. I have lost, I think about, 8 pounds this week. Sure, some may be water, but really, clean eating is the way to go. But that is for another post...I know, I know...I said I would write it and I will.
But we continue on. We get down to the bike path and hot guys are running. So, of course, I pick up my "best running form" and carry on strong! I think I look skinny and beautiful and just fit and fabulous...when in fact I am sure I look like a basset hound running with his tongue hanging out. Okay, maybe not that bad...  Turns out they have wedding bands on.  O-well it was fun conversation! :)

And now comes the hill part. Holy cow. Up the back way behind the golf course.  What a hill. I like FARRELL ROAD MUCH BETTER! But then we go thru the Falls housing plat. Those are some pretty houses. Out and back around to Cassel Road, I think. I have no idea where I am. But I see my car and know we are done. 

We didn't get 8 miles in. We wanted 8. We didn't get it. We couldn't even get 6 in. For a variety of reasons too. 
1. Boss Lady is pregnant. And no, I am not blaming this on her. 
2. I am on the 24 day challenge...and on day of 8 of no "heavy" carbs. I need energy.
3. The time change. I know, sounds lame. But it was 10:30 according to the clocks, but our bodies thought it was 11:30. 
4. It was now lunch time. Boss Lady needs to eat. So do I. My body is telling me so. 

Regardless, the run was nice. The weather was perfect. The company was even better. I love running with people who love to run too. And Boss Lady, well, she loves to run. Even if it as a snail pace when she runs with me. That's what friends do. 

P.S....Nate has lost 9 pounds!! He is my CHAMPION!


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