Friday, August 31, 2012

2 and the bleachers

Yeah, that about sums it up. 
  •  2 mile run and bleachers
I am totally fine with that too. I have 8 miles to do this weekend. Hopefully Saturday morning before it gets too muggy/hot and/or before it rains and I need a boat! Then it's rest and Buckeyes!  

The bleachers are hard, as you know from previous posts. BUT, they aren't as hard if you don't do them after speed work. After just a short, easy 2 miles run, the bleachers aren't too terribly bad. I mean, they are still hard. But not as hard.  I timed myself this time cause I was curious what I do them in. 6:38.5 today. Hmmmm, wonder if there is a step counter? Oh, that's a pedometer! Duh! I have one of those. But I don't think I can put anymore "gear" on me.  Eh, I could, I guess.

Anyhow, guess who showed their lovely face this morning on the run....Shelly/Inge, the Swedish Trainer, from my training this past spring. I was so thrilled to have her there. Although I didn't run with her...she ran a 7:24/mile this week. Are. You. Kidding. Me. I would totally hold you back! GO! RUN! 

So I sent Lisa and Katie (hehehehehehe) off with her. They kept up. They run fast. And they got in the 3 miles. Kelly, Cristen and myself, got separated from them in the darkness and therefore just headed back to the high school. We really wanted to do the bleachers! No, seriously, I did! 


It's also a Blue Moon right now. I tried to take a picture but it looks like a "street lamp" (wink, Cristen!)  I am hoping to see it in the morning during the long run! I will get a picture and post it. I promise.


That's all I got. Until tomorrow. 
Run. Strong.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

And that is why SPEED WORK....


Yes! I found my note from the very first time I did the 4x800's with Boss Lady. It was July 6th! And my times, from her trusty Garmin, were...drum roll please.....
  • 5:43
  • 5:44
  • 6:02
  • 5:37


My times yesterday were waaaaaaaay better!  
A minimum of 30 seconds faster! 
I am soooo psyched about that! 

Here's the picture of the notebook I wrote it in! And if ya don't believe me, ask Deanna...she saw me dig for it and look it up! SHABAM! 

Run. Strong. It works!

P.S. Sorry...I just had to brag! I couldn't stop thinking about this since yesterday! I love improvement! That's why I train!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quick and to the point!

That was the theme of the workout this morning. Speed work to be exact. 4x800's. Yeah that's 2x around the track as fast as I can go so that I feel like I'm gonna die. Maybe I didn't run hard enough because they were oddly, dare I say it, enjoyable!? But I can feel tonight that I did them because my right hammy is tight and my hip feels out of whack!

These 800's were to be done in 6:30/each. Here is what I did them in!
And I'm a little disappointed in myself. I admit it. Coming around the last turn I knew I needed to kick it into gear. I even told myself that. And did. But it wasn't enough :(. The last one you do should be faster than your first. But! I am pretty sure that the last time I did them (with Boss Lady) that my times were much slower! Soooooooo, my last ones were faster than the first ones! Hehehe!

So, school started back this week. Talk about chaotic. Boss Lady isn't able to run with me right now. Training Planner/Cult Lady is running with her though! I miss them.

Katie, Lisa and Kelly joined me this morning though! We've had to bump the time to 5am! Eeek! So we got the mile warmup completed and Kelly gets a horrible migraine. She departed. Katie, Lisa, and myself headed to the track! Those two run fast! Lisa was easily 30 seconds ahead of me; Katie was 20 seconds ahead of me. I know it's only seconds, but honesty, seconds make all the difference! By the 3rd 800 I wasn't sure I was going to get that 4th one in. It was 5:55am! I needed to get home to get Nate up and ready for school. But I went ahead and did it. He could get in the shower first. I can be a little late. So I got all 4 in with a mile+ warmup and even cool downs. Pretty awesome. AND! Katie and Lisa proceeded to do the bleachers! Go Katie! Go Lisa!

Quick and to the point.

Which just proves that you can get a workout in no matter how much time you have. You just have to start.

So get out there! Do a little! Do a lot! Do whatever you have time for! Remember taking the first step is the hardest! You can do it!!!!

Run. Strong.

Monday, August 27, 2012

10 Mile Long Run....Full of NEWS!!!!

Literally and figuratively!

New Crown Bondi shorts too!
I got a late start on this run on Sunday (8/26/12) for many reasons. But it was completed and that is really all that mattered!

Kelly wanted to run the bike path from Taylorsville Dam (Vandalia) to Kyle Park (Tipp City). It's 5.5 miles. So, it would be an "out and back" run. Not my favorite types of runs, especially for a long run. But I guess if I had to do one like that the bike path would be a good place to do it.  Which sounds all fine and dandy unless you get a late start and then it's just hot. 

Boy was that place crowded too! I think everyone was out riding their bikes or running or walking! What was so cool was that everyone was there for the same It's an outdoor gym! 

So, off and running we went. And just as I am running, thinking about all the upcoming things before the Akron 1/2, like the next long run, what the workouts will be this week, when I'm going to clean the house, I want to go to the pool, and when my next chiropractor appointment is...low and behold, there is my chiropractor himself! The AHHHHMAZING Dr. Pat! He was running! What a cool thing! I knew he ran. He used to run with the Boss Lady and Shirley. They referred me to him with my PF last spring! But how cool to actually see him out, on a run! Such awesomeness!

And speaking of AWESOMENESS! Who do I see next, the beast Amy Vanderpool! HOLY COW! This woman had a terrifying crash on her bike approximately 6 weeks ago. She has been training for the IronMan event later in September I believe. Anyhow, she busted herself up on her bike. Knee caps, ribs, etc. I may be exaggerating a little, but from what I was told she was pretty beat up!  And there she was out running! On the last 2.5 miles to go, I see her again! I stop and high 5 her! I mean seriously! She looked AMAZING!  What a BEAST! GO AMY!!!!

Also out on this run, I get a call from Boss Lady herself! Asking how we are doing! We are going strong I tell her. We were on the last half of the 10. She was cheering us on! She is so awesome! 

Speaking of calls, I called my boss Andrea around the 3.5 - 4 mile mark...we are going to need water. I am starting to get the chills. My energy is depleting quickly. It's hot. Kelly said there was a water fountain there, but all I can think is that if there is not we are screwed. Andrea lives in Tipp, so I called and asked nicely, no I demanded, that she get her arse out of bed and "bring 3 very cold water bottles to Kyle Park in approximately 15-30 minutes. We will be entering the park from the bike path from Vandalia. I have no idea where that is, so I hope you do!" Sure! No problem. Oh thank goodness! 

There is this sign prior to entering Kyle Park there is this sign. I love this sign. Especially when I am thirsty! Not that I really wanted to stop, but I needed to stop! There is a distinct line of wanting to stop and needing to stop! 

There is Andrea and her husband Chuck. Ready and waiting to hand us water bottles. I choke down a GU (actually, the flavor wasn't bad, it's just the consistency). And proceed to guzzle down my water bottle. Kelly had the same idea I did and had called her husband to bring us water too! Good thing too cause I needed more water. And so did the ducks.

While guzzling water and catching our breath and me adjusting my socks, I see another familiar face! Karine! I met her once at the Bec's Bunch 5k in late July. Actually exactly a month ago! Boss Lady introduced me. She is so full excitement! Anyhow, there she is riding her bike following her son on his run. I said hi and she said "Hi! Tami, right?!"  My heart melted! I just thought that was the coolest thing EVER! She eventually was coming back behind us when we were heading back and she slowed down to chat with us a little bit. Very encouraging! It's just a cool feeling. Or it's the dehydration kicking in again... nah, it was pretty awesome!

A little while later, almost to the finish, Boss Lady calls. Asks how we are doing, how much longer, and cheering us on. That was really cool! I knew my upgrade would pay off! And it did even more so when I called Cristen's husband to take the girls to the pool by 11:30 to get Cristen and I chairs cause we got done with this run "we are taking our stinky selves to the pool to chill out and cool off these muscles!" 

We finished the run in 2:24:06. I am good with that. Not ideal. But under the circumstances...late start of 9am (ick!) and it was blazing hot out...I will take it. Oh, I also had on new shorts that I felt like I was tugging on the whole time (note to self: will not be wearing these at the 1/2).

Few other notes of news worthy interest...
  • A mole ran in front of Kelly. Or maybe it was a chipmunk. 
  • There are a ton of bikes on the bike path...perhaps that is why it is a "bike path"?!?!  Some of these bike riders are nice enough to announce that they are passing on the left, others not so much. Rude.
  • Need. More. Energy Chews.
  • Another mole/chipmunk/rodent got caught up on Kelly's shoe and did a little flip right in front of me. I almost stepped on it.
  • And last, but definitely NOT LEAST...
    • HUGE CONGRATS TO KELLY AND CRISTEN FOR RUNNING THEIR FIRST EVER 10 MILES!!!!  This is the longest distance they both have ever ran! Cristen just did her first farthest on Friday of 6 miles and 2 days later does 10! Kelly said she will sign up for a 1/2 Marathon now!!! I felt so honored to be there with them for HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! Thank you girls!!! XOXO 
Run. Strong.
Half Marathon here she comes!!!
Cristen!!!! Just One More Mile! Or 4 more!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

It's all about the new...and change

Bondi bands, running skirt, Garmin, new record in running. Yep, those are all new. 

Yesterday was an awesome day! I got my Garmin watch. I got my Bondi Bands. I got a running skirt on clearance for $1.70 ($12 with a $10 credit and 15% off). Katie ran 6 miles for the first time in a loooooooong time. And today Cristen ran her longest distance THUS FAR, 6 miles!  I'd say the last few days have been pretty awesome! 

My Garmin ROCKS! I love it! I bought this watch to check the distance. Turns out the distance was pretty accurate. It's the pace that is not. My app had a much better (faster) pace than the watch. But I am fairly confident that the Garmin pace is more accurate. I will keep testing this out. I will know better when I do speed work. 

And as for the change, well, 10 miles turned into 6; meeting time from 5:15 to 5:30; some people couldn't make it. But all in all, it was good. Different. Kinda cool.  

I realllly wanted the 10 miles today. Mostly because tomorrow Nate and I are going to Kings Island for the day and I will be on my feet all day long. I don't really want to run Sunday morning. So I had hoped to get the 10 LR in today. It didn't happen. We have kids. And jobs. And families. And life. And I need to realize that it happens. Life happens. Sometimes schedules change. Sometimes I have to roll with the changes. I learned that lesson today. And I fear that I hurt some of my friends feelings. And I am sorry for that. 

So I decided to embrace the 6 miles today. And I did. I had a great run. Sure. Some pinches of pain, twisting socks (yes, they were on the RIGHT feet), butt spasms. But nothing terribly bad that I just thought I couldn't push thru it. And once you do that, it's easy breezy. It feels good to just say, "I ran 6 miles and it wasn't really a training run. It was just a run." It reminded me that I love to run.

We started out the gate from the Rec Center with a phone call from my dad. MY DAD. It's o'dark thirty. Of course who else would be calling me that early. Fearful of something wrong, but refusing to stop running and actually pull the phone out of my arm band, I put it on speaker. You know what he wanted? He wanted to know how to spell ARROGANT. No, seriously. That is what he wanted. Why he needed that word at 530am I don't know yet. Why he called me, I'm still not sure, other than my 7th and 8th grade years in school, I was the school Spelling Bee Champ. Both years I made it to the District Spelling Bee. I couldn't tell you what words I missed. Perhaps Mrs. Nervo or Mrs. Faessel could? Regardless. Or maybe he was checking to see if I was actually up and running like it posted on my FaceBook. I think it's the latter. After I spelled it for him like 5 times and he spelled it back to me, he says, "Okay, enjoy your run. Thanks!" And I hear him laughing...hmmmmm, breathing check? How hard am I running? Well, dad, if you are reading this, and I am sure you are, we had just started the run. Thanks for the laugh this morning! The girls got a kick out of you calling me! XOXO.

Didn't see any raccoons this morning. However, did hear from a couple other runners they were running from skunks! Whew! I am always fearful of that!

We got back to the Rec Center at the end of the run, still feeling pretty awesome, but had about a 1/2 mile to go. So, we grabbed a quick drink, said goodbye to Boss Lady, Kelly, and Katie and started back out to finish it up to 6 miles. As Boss Lady was driving away, she said "it's addicting". I couldn't have agreed more! It felt awesome to get that last 1/2 mile in just so my watch would say 6 miles! LOVE IT! When Cristen and I were finished, we both felt that we could have gone farther. What a feeling! But we couldn't. Jobs were beckoning!

So tomorrow, Kings Island. Sunday, 10 miles with BFFAE. Easy Breezy.

And for the another piece of change... I found a penny on my run this morning. I am officially up $0.11! WOOHOO!

Have a great weekend!

Run. Strong.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another morning, Another mile

Or 3 mile repeats!

It was such a beautiful morning to run too! The weather was perfectly cool and crisp! I love mornings like this. Makes ya want to run and run and run. 

Good group showing today too which is always nice! It's a good thing we aren't grumps in the morning! :)

Did a warm up walk over to Copperfield housing development. It's just across the street from the Rec Center so it's close and easy. I had mapped it out yesterday for mileage and if we went all the way around the development and then the "green space" we would come right in at a mile. Perfect! And it's a small, community/neighborhood so the CAR situation is a minimum! I think there were maybe 2 cars out this morning. Granted it was "o'dark thirty" but even Fabulous Farrell road has at least 5 cars at that time!  We started with a warm-up job around the "green space" while Boss Lady delivered some coupons to a friends mailbox in the area. The green space all the way around is exactly .25 miles...or so the untrusty Nike app says (more on that later!)

And then we started off to the left, once we figured out where to leave our waters!  The first mile was good. It was fast. 10:22/mile. See! TOLD YOU IT WAS FAST! I mean seriously, my "planned pace" for these 1600's is 11:30/mile. I ran it in 10:22! Boss Lady said she would time me. I kept up with her for at least .75 of the miles. She is seriously fast! I told Holly that it was ridiculously fast. I mean seriously, how does someone run that fast?! And that isn't even Boss Lady's regular pace! AMAZING!!!!

Second mile, not so pleasant. Cristen and I kinda hung to the back a little not too far behind. We could still hear their conversations. We didn't have any of our own. I was concentrating on breathing and not dying. Cause running that fast it felt like I was going to die. Did that one in 10:40/mile. So I'm slowing down a little. To be expected. GEEZ! STILL FASTER THAN MY NORMAL PACE...BY 2 MINUTES!

Holly, or maybe it was Katie, asked Cristen if she was training for anything. Nope. She's just "along for the ride". I want to be along for the ride someday. Maybe over the winter? Nah, I will always be training I think. Always improving.

The third mile, I wanted to go to the right. My head and heart just wanted to go another way. See things from the other side. I think mentally I thought it would go faster. Not really. 10:50/mile.  But still on my target pace! Maybe it was the switch up? Maybe it was the beautiful sunrise. I asked Boss Lady to take a picture since she has her phone in her hand when she runs. It was so pretty. It gave me a renewed sense of be up that early. Usually we are running west when the sun comes up so I don't see it. 

However, keep in mind that the last mile should have been faster than the first. But when I come out of the gate MORE THAN 2 MINUTES FASTER than my average race pace of 12:38/mile it's kinda hard to keep going like that. I will continue to work on it. I have 4 1/2 weeks left until Akron.

At the end of the third, Boss Lady and I were discussing the times and mileage. I don't think my "untrusty Nike app" reached the full mile or it was over the mile by the time I was "allowed" to stop, each and every time. She said "you know when it's off by .10 or .15 miles, it's a lot and it can really hurt your time." Yep. She's absolutely correct. Why would I want to keep running when I don't have to?! So, I have now purchased the watch. I caved. Gave in to the running bug/cult/groupie/wannabe whatever and bought a running watch. Garmin 205 to be exact. I considered the Garmin Forerunner 305 as that is what Boss Lady and Holly have. It's about $140 MORE than the 205. And the one significant difference is that the 305 has a heart rate monitor and the 205 does not. I don't need anymore gadgets (Kelly, wink!) I'm good. So now I will have a watch and will be able to get a more accurate and concise time and mile reading. It will be fun. It will be worth it. I can't wait to use it on my LR 10 miler on Friday! YES!!!!!!!!!

I also managed to get to the gym Tuesday morning with BFFAE! Quick walk on the treadmill and then some leg weights. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel after the spill I took Monday morning. I was stiffing up pretty bad by the time I went to bed. But the Aleve did the trick and I was up and at it Tuesday morning!  I am going to the gym again Thursday morning. This time for some arms and up body weights! I missed my gym time with my BFFAE! 

Me and Cristen!

Cristen turned the big 4-0 yesterday! I know quit a few people who are turning the BIG 4-0 this year! I am not (hehehehe...just wanted to add that...hate me later!) So proud of her! She's just "along for the ride!" at 40!



On another note, tonight is Nate's first scrimmage as a middle school football player. I am so excited for this!!! For the last 5 years there have been two football teams...PURPLE and GOLD. Just a lot of kids playing football and almost every pee-wee league has 2 teams per grade. But TONIGHT begins a ONE TEAM play. It will be so nice to see all these boys who have been friends since kindergarten or so come together and play on one team. Unfortunately, his game jersey number has changed from #13 to #74. He still has #13 as his practice jersey. Huh, #13. Half-marathon is 13.1! I think #13 just may be my new lucky number.

Until Friday...

Run. Strong

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sore! Sore! Sore!

I need to clarify something I said in todays post. About being bored. That boredom is not from Farrell Road. Farrell is challenging. Really pushes my limits. And as much as I hate it, I also love it! It's truly a love-hate relationship. The boredom this morning was a mind thing. I couldn't find my focus. I was bored mentally. Maybe it was a mental exhaustion? I don't know. I know I need something new to my workouts. Maybe a new hill would do it. But maybe some time in the gym lifting would do it too. I will find out tomorrow as I go into the gym for some biking and upper body workout. If I can walk in the morning! Ha!

And I only say that because that fall has knocked me in my arse! Oh my. I was a little stiff today but tonight it is full on soreness! Wow! My shoulders are sore. Probably from catching myself with my hands. My right hip is also a little sore. And so is my right ankle. Just to the touch. I'm not swelling or anything like that. Just soreness.

Two Aleve down the hatch...I will pay for taking that tomorrow but Tylenol is just not going to cut this pain tonight.

Until tomorrow....

Run. Strong.

Bleep! Car! Ouch!

That's Shirley and Amy in the background. I think they did the hills 7x!
At the start of this mornings workout, which was Fabulous Farrell Road hill repeats, 5x, I was certain all I was going to say on this post was "BLEEP" Farrell Road. I just was NOT feeling it this morning. Maybe it was the dam stairs yesterday. Or the lack of sleep the night before. Or maybe I just did not want to run. At least not run Farrell Road. So after the first hill I said "my blog is going to be titled "BLEEP FARRELL ROAD" and the body of the blog was going to say "enough said". And I was logging off. But as the hills continued, it started to get a little bit more interesting. And maybe a little bit easier. But I still was not feeling it in my head. Legs were fine. Feet were fine. Mind, not so fine.  

I've been in a bit of a funk for the last week or so. Not sure what it is. Work stinks. That could be a big part of it. Maybe the funk is due to it being the middle of my training plan. Maybe I am a little bored. I don't know. But today, it got in my head and the whole run felt like a downhill tumble.

There were funny parts. Like during the downhill recovery, a car was coming up (I mean, it is a street, and people do live on it and they do have to leave their homes) and there is Kelly just meandering in what seemed like the middle of the road. I have to YELL at her to MOVE OVER there is a car. Cristen does the same thing. This drives me bonkers! SMH. Even when we are just out for a normal run, I question if they have their eyes open. They both meander and don't move over it seems like. Not the cars, the runner. Maybe I am just so aware of my surroundings (thanks dad!) or maybe I just don't want to get SPLAT! with their body parts when the dang car hits them! So we laughed!  They know I am not yelling at them. I am just concerned for their safety. I guess that's another one of my fears...that I will get hit by a car. Oh good grief, did I just go into my fears again...that didn't bode so well for me this morning... here's why...

Left hand
So, on our way back up Stone Quarry on the recovery run after the hills, about the middle of the Ashbury Farms plat, I trip, stumble, something, and fall onto the sidewalk. Face plant. Well, almost. My hands catch me. My knee catches me. I'm not sure what comes flying out of my mouth in terms of profanity and therefore I will apologize to Katie, Kelly and Cristen. And honestly, my first thought was "I hope I didn't rip my pants". Seriously. Forget that I sprained an ankle, or busted my knee cap, or cracked a rib (don't think I fell that hard), but did I rip my pants. My pants. They are my favorite running pants. They are black. They fit perfectly. I love these pants. I don't want them to rip.  Anywho. I am okay. I just lay there on there on the ground. On my back. My knees bent up. Trying to catch my breath. Holding back tears. Holding back the wails of crying that are bursting in my chest. But no. I reach my hands up and Katie, Cristen, and Kelly help me up. And I check my pants. I am fully stitched. Whew!  My hands hurt from where I caught myself. Rocks embedded in my palms. Brush them out. Shake it off a little and start to walking now. I am embarrassed. I feel defeated. Like a failure. Which is stupid because everyone falls. But I was having an "invincible" running moment I am pretty sure before I fell! Damnit! I was not going to fall!  Which is kinda ironic because in yesterdays post, I mentioned the whole "fear of falling/tripping" on a trail run. Well, I fell/tripped on a PAVEMENT run! I guess I can start trail running now that my fear of falling has become real. That outta make Boss Lady happy!
Right hand

Katie takes off at her street. I say to Cristen and Kelly, "I need to run". In my mind I know that I have to do this now. Not later today, not tonight, not tomorrow, but NOW. I have to know that I can still run. Middle of my training. I. CANNOT. STOP. NOW.  

As mentioned above, the fear of getting hit by a car, I pray that doesn't happen. And hopefully the chances of that happening aren't as great as the chance of falling on a run. Please say a prayer. Or don't let me run alone. And if you run with me, stay away from the cars and oncoming traffic. Please. Please. Please!

So with that said, here goes nothing. Again. I am going to go back out there and do it again. I am going to run. I cannot let a stupid fall stop me. Shirley said she fell twice in one week. God help me if I do that. And I am knocking on wood with that thought :/

My hands still hurt. My right hip hurts. My left knee hurts. I am going to be sore.  But I will keep running. Hurt ego and all. Because as Boss Lady just said "you aren't a real runner until you have fallen!" She also said that she will not let me quit. Don't worry, I am not going to let myself quit. It was just a fall after all.

Run. Strong. Don't fall!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The "BONUS" Workout

Sunday. Afternoon. Englewood Dam stairs. BONUS HILL!

5x on these stairs. I am only ~ 4 steps down
Today was the "Kickoff to the start off the school year!"  Boss Lady goes back to school next week. Kelly goes back Tuesday (I think).  I don't think they are doing the "happy dance" like the rest of us are! I am actually kinda sad. But it's selfish of me. I will lose my "Boss Lady" trainer. Unless....I can get her up earlier! HA! I will keep you posted on that! ;)

I was looking forward to this workout. I was curious about these stairs. Nate's football coach did this workout back in the day when he played football. He also recently took his son out there. I wanted to do the same thing.  So I took Nate. Surprisingly, he wasn't as resistant as I thought he was going to be. Now, I don't think I can get him up at 530 to go run with me, but maybe on some of my late day workouts I can get him out to run with me.  

Once I figured out how to get to these stairs, it was on! It's actually quite easy. Coming from Vandalia, you turn into the parking lot before you go over the dam. And park. Get out. Walk down the unpaved/unmarked/blinded trail which leads you the "cliff" where the trail leads you to the stairs. Did you know that road across the park dam from Vandalia to Englewood is a mile long? Nope, I didn't either. And it's a half mile from the parking lot trail to the stairs. At least that is what the untrusty Nike app says. And we jog it. You have to warm-up after all. 

The stairs don't look too terribly daunting. Going down is always harder than going up sometimes. I have this horrible fear of falling down. I have the same fear running on trails. If it's not paved, I am seriously afraid of falling, twisting my ankle, breaking a leg, something horrible happening! UGH! I am always up for an adventure. But in the middle of my training...I need to be a little bit more careful! Boss Lady texted me tonight to inform me that she wants to "start trail running. It's a great cross-fit!" I am not even going to go there right now.

There is a HILL behind us!
We get right into the stairs. Hitting them straight on. There is a couple there doing them as well. Slightly different though.They go down and rest. We go down and we go right back up! I told them I wanted to run with them! HA!

Three sets in. Nate peters out. It's okay. He did 3 more than I thought he would! Boss Lady sees a hill on the Englewood side. "Hey, BONUS HILL! Let's do it!" CrAzY TaLk I SAY!  Eh, okay.  So, one more set of stairs! Walk to the "white building" then jog to the BONUS hill! Nate is like "what?!?" Let's go son. It's not a terrible hill. But it's a hill. It's comparable to the top of fabulous Farrell. Just steep enough to make you work for it!  Up we go. And we make it. Nate did it too! That boy just amazes me in his "older" age! 

Note to self: Don't pose like that. It's not flattering.
Run down the little path and walk back to the stairs. You know that law of gravity or something like that..."what goes up, must come down". Well, the stairs are kinda like that. But opposite...what goes down, had to come from the up." WoW! That is so backwards and makes o sense at all! LOL! But hey, it's how I work! Point is, we have to go back up the stairs to get back to the parking lot. "Run to that white post with the sign then we can walk" OK! Nate looks at me like I am crazy! Or maybe it was that Boss Lady is crazy. But he can't call her crazy. She was his 1st grade teacher and his 1st teacher in VBCSD. I have taught him respect. So, we run this together. He wants to talk! YES! SCORE! MY SON WANTS TO TALK TO ME!!! I tell him okay. But we have to run. So, he starts talking about this new video game recording device he would like to purchase with his birthday money. And he would like to show me. He tells me what it does and why it's better than what he currently has. And how he intends to pay for it (give me the cash, I put it on my cc). He is so smart. Today was a win-win for us! 

The INAUGURAL Englewood Dam crew!
So the bonus part of this workout is two-fold. Yes, we got a hill in on the eve of our hill workout. But the best BONUS for me was that I got some BONUS time with my son today. It was pretty cool. I am pretty lucky to be his mom. I am mighty proud of him today. He told me this morning that I 'looked skinny" in my baggie pjs. And then when we got done with that hill, he said to me "I think I underestimated Farrell Road, mom. Sorry about that." Yeah, ya think?!

Run. Strong.

Friday, August 17, 2012


And my LR is done!  
Sure, it was just a small 6 miler, but nevertheless, it's done. And that feels good. 

I get to sleep in this weekend. I don't have to get up at dark o'thirty to run this weekend. And because I don't have to, I probably will. As a matter of a fact, at the Butler scrimmage tonight I found myself thinking about a run tomorrow morning. Not at o'dark thirty, but when I wake up. Which with my luck will be early. 

The run this morning was, oh, pleasant? Yeah, pleasant. I turned my app on before I started running, but remembered to look at it when we did start running (.20 warmup) and knew that I had to run for the full 6, which then meant I had to run until my app said 6.20. YAY! Easy. 

BFFAE went camping last night and is gone all weekend :( so I had to find a running partner! Kelly to the rescue!  We were supposed to meet at 5:15am, but when that alarm went off at 4:30, I just couldn't move. And the continuance snooze did no good. I needed this run, but I didn't need it that early I guess? So we met at 5:45. Which was fine. It wasn't as dark, which is good too. But it was still dark. Very cloudy. Stormy cloudy too! And out the Rec we run into Shirley and her running buddy. They looked like they had been on a very intense and fast run! When I told her we were going for 6, she says, with a smile of course "If you're feeling good, go for 8!" CrAzY tAlK!!!! I was just fine with my 6. Kelly didn't even want 6. 

This was not a foreign 6 mile route for me. It's the same route I did on my last 6 miles a couple of weeks ago. Rec Center to McDonalds and back. A basic out and back. Easy breezy!

Everything was good. Felt GREAT! New shoes and all! Socks on the right feet! Saw one resident setting her trash out...darn raccoons, which I should add I DID NOT SEE ONE!...said hello and she said hello back! Wanted to stop and ask if she voted for the levy...yes, it still bothers me!  Saw another person (not sure of gender) waiting for the bus and said hello and received the same in return.  2 for 2. Score!

National Road sidewalk still S-U-C-K! And when it's dark, it's even worse. You can't see the slightest obstruction. I shouldn't say that all of National Road is bad...just the part from Helke Road to about the old Morton.  Yeah, that's about right!

We got super lucky at the crossings too....walk signs and red lights! WOOOOHOOOO! No stopping and waiting for traffic to pass or dodging cars. Although I would have welcomed a quick rest. But alas, we keep running. All. The. Way. To. McDonalds. I think it took us about 40 minutes to get there. Which seems reallllly long! Anyhow, people in McDonalds weren't as friendly as the first time. Maybe it was the time of the morning this time. Who knows. Get our water and back out the door we go. Gulp. Gulp. I am feeling GREAT!

Kick it into gear cause now we can see the drivers coming at us. Look good. Look strong. Wait, there is no looking, WE ARE! 

Getting ready to turn onto Helke and I see Christie! She FB'd me this week about how inspiring I have been and how she wants to get in on this running thing! SURE! So, imagine my delight to actually see her at the gas station as I am out running! It was uber cool!

We are about 1.5 miles from the end of the run. My body is talking and my mind is starting to listen. Seriously, that exact thought went thru my head. So, I tell my mind to SHUT IT! I know your right foot is tingling. I know the left butt cheek is shooting pain. But my legs are still going so it just needs to shut up. Then I realize that my upper body is almost, dare I say, bored?! Weird right? I tell Kelly this and she totally agrees. It's like if I could be lifting weights or something and it would have been entertaining. I don't know. Maybe not really lifting weights. I think I will change my music and see if that helps any.  Just the weirdest thing. Ever. The thoughts leave me as I wave real big to the trash man! Oh the simplest things I tell ya. And still no sightings of raccoons or any other rodent type animal. 

Head into the Rec and we still need about .75 miles according to the oh so untrusty Nike app. I really need to just invest in the watch.  So we take the west loop of the track. This is the better half. It's starting to sprinkle! YAY! I don't care if I get my new white shoes wet! Get close to the parking lot...ahhhhh my car....Rehydrate....but no, still need about .20 miles! ARGH! Around the outside of the building in front of the wall of treadmill windows, to the front, the rain is picking up...oh yes!!! This feels awesome! And we are done! YAY!!!!!

Another 6 miles in the books! I love running. I really do. So strange to say that. It's probably one of those e-cards that say at the end "no one said ever". But I am really saying that. Does that make any sense at all??? 

So with all that said and done, here I am contemplating my next run. Maybe it will be tomorrow. Maybe not. I do need to mow. Maybe a bike ride with Nate! Oh the possibilities are endless! Heehehehe

I love talking about running. I am humbled when people ask me about running. I feel honored when someone asks my opinion. I love the fact that people are inspired by me and want to join me! It is an honor that you see this in me. Everyone starts somewhere. I still ask for advice and support from my running friends. To me, running is a continuous learning experience. There will always be something new to a run. Whether it be a new pain, or a realization of awesomeness!

Speaking of awesomeness, I am awesome! And I don't mean to sound vain, but... I ran 6 miles NON-STOP today and I felt AMAZING! I guess this is what runners call a GOOD RUN! But I am still amazed that I am running like I am. I have done a 1/2 before and I ran a lot of it. But somehow this is different. I feel different. I think different. It's just different. It's amazing. I hope that each and every one of you get to experience that feeling at least once in your lifetime. 

Enjoy your weekend. Go run. Go walk. Just go. 

Run. Strong.

I got Kelly in a picture too for her 6 miles! She is gonna be soooo mad at me!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

6 miles in the AM....anyone? Anyone?

That's okay. 6 miles is nothing! At least that is what I tell myself the night before a long run. Which is good and bad. Good because I have psyched myself up for a great run tomorrow. Bad because it's 9:30pm and I am not asleep yet! But I'm just too excited!

I GOT MY NEW SHOES TODAY! I wasn't expecting them until next week but they were on the doorstep when I got home from work (it kinda improved my mood!)

You may be thinking "new shoes on the doorstep? Don't you get your shoes at the running store?" No. I order mine from because my ASICS are an older model and I can't find them in the stores. So why not get the newer model? Well, I would except the last time I changed my shoes my plantar facetious flared big time and I had to go see the AMAZING Dr. Prikkle! Which is all good but I was in the middle of my training for my first 1/2. That was not good. So I stopped wearing the new shoes, found my previous shoes online, and promptly ordered a pair. My PF calmed down, I learned some new exercises, had some wonderful adjustments, and now have a great chiropractor whom I like to call a friend cause he's just so cool like that!

So! Until I get thru this half, I am not changing shoes or anything else. There's too much at risk. I've been training too hard and too diligently to have a PF flare-up now! Or injure myself because I don't know how to wear the shoes. I mean seriously, socks about messed me up on Sunday with blisters! Geesh! Don't need a sprained ankle or another PF flare!

Any takers yet on the 6 LR tomorrow???? It will be fun! Lol! Kelly has volunteered to come along. Although she already said that she didn't want to do 6, but she will (and she is praying for heavy rain...wink!).

Sooooo if ya want to join at the Rec Center at 5:15am! Hey, ya may even get a mention in my "wrap-up" blog post! :-)

Aren't my new shoes pretty!!!!

Run. Strong.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fabulous Farrell Road!

5x this morning! Can we say "Burning Legs!". Holy cow! It's taken me all day to write this because I am so exhausted. And I hurt. But on the upside, NO PAIN-NO GAIN! And the gain is in the muscle I am developing in my quads and calves! Thank goodness tomorrow is a REST DAY!

Kinda funny story.... Get done with hill 3 and down at the bottom and Shirley says "hey, we are doing so good on time you should be able to get in 5 hills!" Of course this is said with such excitement and a smile! She's trying to get me excited. Well I was...only to tell her "I know. I planned on doing 5 today! I AM DOING 5." I shocked her! It was awesome! Yep! Amy confirmed it. It was the plan all along! And I did it!

I am not gonna lie and say it was easy. Cause it wasn't. But it was worth it. The first hill was good. Cruised up. Second hill about the same. But this was when Shirley and Amy, who will now be called BEASTS, passed me! The third one was just as good because I was still going strong and I felt like I had already won! The last 2 were the last 2. Enough said. I was done. I did it. Now I just had to run back to the Rec Center. Sometimes that is the hardest part. Especially when we take of sprinting with the BEASTS! I tried keeping up. And was probably doing okay. But my mind picked up in what my body was doing and it said "oh hell no!" So I dropped back and let them run together. Kelly is more my pace, no, not really. She runs a little faster than I do but I can keep up.

We continued on to the Rec Center and FINALLY caught up with them and then proceeded to PASS THEM! Granted they were doing their cool down walk but we ran right between them! Just because we could! Pretty cool!

During one of the recoveries down the hill, I brought up to Kelly how much I appreciate all the people who have come out to run, workout, push themselves. And I can't help but wonder if they would have been doing all this stuff if I hadn't invited, asked, inquired? For example, would Kelly be out running HILLS at 530 in the morning! Would anyone really want to do that? I guess what I am saying is I am training for the Akron Half, Kelly is not. But she's still out there doing it with me, for herself. It's just so interesting to hear and think about the different reasons why these girls are out there every morning with me if they aren't training for something. And I guess I wonder what drives them to do it. Is it me and the FB posting of my workouts? Is it because they want to be that healthy too? Or is it because they are just weird?! Just kidding! Lol! And I wonder what I will do after this half.

After the Columbus Cap City 1/2 I knew that I was gonna sign up for the Akron 1/2. And 3 weeks after that BFFAE and I are packing up the car and the kids and heading out to MB for another half. I can say that I'm already considering the next half in the spring...Indy I think. And then there's the next fall 1/2...maybe Nashville? Who knows! The possibilities are endless. So I guess I answered my own question. I will always be training and I will always be eating healthy and I will ALWAYS be striving to BE BETTER, BE FASTER, BE A BEAST!

Oh! I thought my LR was 12 this week. I am happy, and a little sad, to report that I was wrong. It's only 6. So why happy? Cause my legs are so sore right now, I can barely walk, I don't have to do 12!!! But sad? Yeah, cause I was strangely excited about checking 12 miles off and now I don't get to. I will gladly accept the 6 and I know I can TOTALLY do that! Piece of cake!

The pic is of Kelly and I after the hills. It was her first time and she was convinced she was only going 4x. Ha. 5x she did! Yay Kelly!!!

Goodnight. I'm exhausted!

Run. Strong.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

6x400's are FUN!

And BOSS LADY is mean. But only when doing the bleachers. And she really isn't's just how I get thru the bleachers after the track. She knows that.

So. Anyhow. 6x400's are done. They weren't too hateful. I figured out how to trick my mind into thinking it wasn't so bad. And I got thru them with the following times.
2:27, 2:22, 2:30, 2:29, 2:30, 2:26
And actually Boss Lady ran the last one with me to pace me and help me reach my goal. Her timing came in at 2:16. Which would mean I TOTALLY ROCKED the last one. Which is what I'm supposed to do. Beat the first time. So mission accomplished. Even if it was by 1 second or 11 seconds.

And let me just add that it is dark at the track at 0530. Guess that's why it's called "o dark thirty". Haha. I crack myself up. Oh it might be exhaustion.

So excited to report that we had some newbies to the track workout this morning! BFFAE came and Jenny Jenkins! Yay girls! And awesome to see Holly, Katie, and Lisa out there again this morning! These workouts really work! I think I am a little faster due to these workouts. But mostly my confidence in myself and being a runner are the biggest improvement for me.

Of course after the track run those big bad bleachers stood there...waiting to be cursed and trampled on. And I did. I don't know how many steps there are but I am going to count the next time. I am really curious! And I only think about it AFTER I start and I am surely not starting over! So there!

I should also add that I put my socks on the correct feet this morning and there was definitely a significant difference! I got nothing else to say about this subject. ;-)

In the midst of being soaked with sweat, discussing the levy failure and the cuts our schools face in the coming school year, I forgot to take my picture. So when I got home I took a picture of my socks! And a handful of cherries! AND this afternoon I got a cool new gadget! Sooooo excited!

Must go to sleep. 0530 (aka o'dark thirty) will be here soon and FABULOUS FARRELL Road is beckoning me in the morning! Yay me!(yes Shirley that is a slight whine....just for you!)

Run. Strong.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Random thoughts

Just some random thoughts....questions that were asked of me today...Facebook update....and my DOH! moment!

So the DOH! moment... Deb pointed out to me today via text that maybe the reason my socks gave me a little grief was because I had them on the WRONG feet! If ya notice the picture of my "Olympiad" neon green socks you will notice there is a R and L on the socks. Meaning RIGHT and LEFT. However, they are on the opposite feet. So tomorrow I am going to put them on the correct feet and see if it's any better.

My friend Toni in Cleveland completed her first 10k this weekend in under 60 minutes! How cool! She is still sore but managed to log some more miles yesterday and today. She asked me "why do we do this?". I'm sure she meant RUN. I know why I run. I asked Deanna why she runs. And we both said that it's because "I like the way I feel after the run!". It's the endorphins. The sense of accomplishment.

So, I ask you, WHY DO YOU RUN?

Toni also asked her FB friends for some new running music. I threw out a couple Godsmack songs which are too "dirty" to put in my blog, but of you are familiar with Godsmack, you should be able to determine the songs. I will tell you that they are on the Oracle album. What song(s) motivate(s) you when you're running? Do you run with music or do you run "naked"?

Lastly, I finally created that Facebook page I've been wanting to do. Well actually it's a group. cRaZy Legs. Just an all-in-one forum to post the workouts scheduled for the week, upcoming races, questions. If ya want to join in, send me message and I will add ya! It's already worked rather well today! I'm kinda excited about it!

Anyhow. Gotta get to sleep. 0430 will be here sooner than I think and I have 6x400's tomorrow morning! I'm secretly looking forward to this challenge! The weather should be great!!!!

Run. Strong.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


We RAN 10 miles today! Yaaaaaahoooooo!

Those were my exact thoughts as I finished the last .25 mile this morning! That and how sore I was gonna be. And how tired I am.

All those things have been true. What is also true is that I LOVED IT!

It was a perfect morning for a run too! Even more perfect that BFFAE was there too! It was cool, but not too cold. A good, dare I say it, fall like morning!
B-E-A-Utiful morning!

Headed out with a brisk walk, to of course get creeped out by the 3 raccoons, again. Scurrying from a yard into the sewer. They are just gross! We just laughed! Last time we saw some too! Soooo creepy!

Our run was taking us thru the hateful Rec Center. I only say hateful because I don't care for the track. At least one side of it. Thankfully, I did not map it on that side. Whew! Out Rec thru Copperfield development, to Mulberry where we encountered a beautiful sunrise and fog patch. It was like walking (or in our case running) thru one of those misters! So refreshing!! Continuing onto Ashbury Farms where the lovely Kelly was waiting with smile and ice cold H2O! She rocks! And she was ready to run! We had logged 3.5 miles by this point. She was gonna finish the 6.5 with us (and then some if my calculations are correct! GO KELLY!).

By this time we had only seen, 2 cars...maybe? It is good to know that the peeps of Vandizzle do sleep! Ha!

Onto Dixie we head. North that is, where Kelly pointed out that it is somewhat hilly. 2 to be exact. She even suggested running that route for our hill repeats. Huh. Come do Farrell Kell, and you will never suggest again! (wink!). East on Alkaline to Bennert. Easy breezy. It's part of the mile warm up before speed work. Saw a couple of kids. It was probably only 7am by this time. Wonder what trouble they were up too?!?! To Ranchview to National. I. Want. Water. No one else did. Too bad. Head into BK for some waaaatttteeeeerrrr. The manager takes one look at us and hands us 3 cups. We rehydrate. Chomp on a chomp and back at it we go. It's tough going though. BFFAE's calf muscle is bulging. It's cramped pretty bad. A few stretches and she's pushing thru! She is so hardcore!

Around James Bohanon to Maple to Skyview. Memories of the St. Chris 5k a couple years ago start flooding back. That race was dreadful. It was so hot. They ran out of water. I haven't done that race since. Today, the course wasn't as daunting. I was actually running and enjoying it. Amazing how far I've come.

Inverness to Dixie. Ahhhh. Here we go. Home stretch. Down Dixie to National to Long. Those sidewalks SUCK! But by this time the traffic has picked up a bit and it's not as safe to run in the street. People are out for their Sunday donuts and coffee or late for church.
Long Street (which is actually kinda short) to Grossbeck to Gabriel to Buttercup. Oh man. I can see my house. I can see BFFAE's house. But alas, I know I have 1.5 more miles that I need to get in, so left we turn onto Attica to Alkaline Springs. Oh my! Another hill! Yippee! BFFAE is stretching her calve again. Reprieve! Not for long!

Helke to Buttercup! Woohoo! Almost there! Amor! Vista! Oh my house! And wouldn't ya know....hits 10.0 EXACTLY right in front of my house! What an accomplishment! Walk it out to BFFAE's house. Walk back. We did it!

10 miles. 13:06/mile. 2:11:13.

All in all it was a great run!

Grab some cherries! Love cherries! Water! 

I think it was the socks! SUPER FAST NEON GREEN SOCKS like the Olympiads!
 (Thanks Deb!)

So. Sunday night. I am still sore. I need to work on my recoveries.

I can't wait to do 12 this weekend! SIKE!

Run. Strong.