Sunday, September 30, 2012

Race Day, Part I

It's Sunday night. I am back home. I am exhausted! So here is Part I of race day!!!


I didn't sleep great, but I slept. Rise and shine at 4:15am so that I can get a shower to loosen the muscles, eat some breakfast and be ready when Deanna and her family come to pick me up to head to my dad's and then down to the start line.

I have everything I need. Bondi Band. Fit Belt stocked with GU. iPod nano. iPhone with a fully charged battery. Headphones. Lucky socks on the right feet. Bib filled out and attached!


Of course when we get down to the race and start walking to our start zone, my stomach wakes up and it seems like all 15,000 race participants stomachs did too. Get what I am saying. O.M.G. Enough said. Glad I wasn't the only one. 

There are so many people there. I am completely overwhelmed. So. Many. People. It was so cool though.

Half, Full, Relay!
We get split from my dad and Deb but eventually find them and so glad I did! Also got to see my dad's relay members too! I actually babysat the one guys son, who is also running a leg of the relay. Craziness I say! 

Dad and I split off from Deb and go back up to the "slower" paces. My dad is going to start with me. So is Deanna. Makes me so happy. My biggest fear was starting alone. I was okay with running it alone, but I just didn't want to start there. Plus I wanted to see the look on Deanna's face! It was her first 1/2! 

Steinbrunner Family!
We get a couple of pics. Life is good. 

Race starts. Totally different from the Cap. It's not started in waves, they shoot the gun and you just start going. It's just this big pack of people. 15,000 to be exact. There was a firework show when the gun started for the wheelchair racers. 

So, we go. Turn the corner. And I don't see my dad. He is fast too. So proud of him.  

Cross the start line and Deanna hears someone yell my name! I look over and there's my mom and Terry with a sign that says "GO TAMI GO!" That was sooo cool! I was so happy to see them down there.

Head over the bridge, mile 1 is complete. I start to slow down because the pack of people is thinning out. I still have 12.1 miles to go. I don't want to overdo it at first. I nod to Deanna to go ahead. I'm good. Have fun. Run. Strong. And we are off.

I am still working out the kinks by about mile 2.5 but I'm getting into my groove. Come back up the hill after the bridge and my stomach, well, it's not cooperating. I see my mom and Terry again. Okay. This is okay! I smile, mouth to my mom what is happening, but keep going.   Low and behold mile 4-5 there is another water break and a port-a-john. Kinda funny. At the Cap City, I made BFFAE stop at that exact point because I had to go to the bathroom! LOL! And there we were in an awesome groove too!  Go figure. I stop my Garmin, get my water, go to the bathroom. Feeling better. Text BFFAE to let her know what just happened (she will laugh!) and start at it again. And when I start again, it doesn't hurt. I honestly was feeling great. I know, I know. It's only mile 5.

But mile 5 turns to mile 7 and I know my family will be somewhere between miles 6-7. And they are there! OH, I needed to see them. I first see Nate and Kate (my adorable niece) running towards me. I am so excited. I have dreamed about this moment...when my son sees me running and I get to hug him! And it comes true! And as a bonus, I get to hug my niece too. And then my sister and brother-in-law, and my "other" sister Trisha and her son Blake too! My own little cheering squad! It was so cool. Get a couple quick pictures and start again. Only to yell back to them "do you have any water?" "No." "Any tissues?" "No." UGH! Next time, I will make sure they are more prepared for me at the next race! :)

Water station is ahead. I am so happy! I just want to walk a minute. Training Planner Cult Lady advised me to walk thru the water stations. It's okay. It will save me for the end. So I do. And I am fine with it. It actually worked too. And I didn't regret stopping. I thought that if I stopped it would be hard to start up again, but it wasn't. It was actually easier. I also walked the few hills in there. And glad I did. I couldn't risk an injury or fatigue. 

Thru the University of Akron. That was kinda cool. There were random people that would make a tunnel for you to run thru and high five! And it was downhill. There was a lot of downhill coming up. We cross back over the start line. There's my mom and Terry again! So GREAT to see them again. So I stop and hug them! I needed the hug. And I keep going. Back across the Y-Bridge. I tell myself to run across the bridge. Run. The. Bridge. So I did. I dug deep and I ran it. Turn the corner and it's a hill. I walk it. Just till it levels off. And then I will run again. For a block. The next turn is onto a brick road. And ironically enough it's around mile 10-11...just where the brick/cobblestone road was on the Cap....and it's a downward slope. I run it anyway. 

Turn the corner. MORE WATER!!! Back across the bridge 3 turns and I am FINISHED!!! I snap a quick picture. I need some help. I send it to BFFAE and tell her the "Last leg..." I know by sending her this picture, that she would get it and it would mentally push me! And it did. Life is getting good. Run across the bridge. Walk up the little hill. And get ready to finish strong. 

I can't really tell you what is going thru my head at this point. I keep looking at my watch and doing the time in my head. I think I might just make it to my goal time. I just might make it. I'm gonna have to push it. And I do. Because the last 1/2 mile or less is FULL of people. They are all cheering. The 1/2 marathoners are mixing in with the full marathoners now on Main Street. It's kinda cool!  I see the entrance to the stadium.  
OMG! This is my BIG FINISH!!!

Turn the corner into the Akron Aeros Baseball Stadium and it is such a rush. The stadium is full! I take off my headphones so I can take it all in and I can't hear a thing. My head is spinning with words of encouragement from everywhere! It's almost like I can hear everyone back at home cheering me on! It's sooooo crazy! I hear my cow bells and turn my head and there is my entire family shouting and screaming! I start to tear up (just like I am now writing this!) They are all there. I have an official cheering squad. I look over and see Deanna! Thank goodness! She FINISHED!  I raise my hands and SMILE! I hope they caught that smile and not the tongue hanging out of my mouth at that last 400 meters!  

THE RACE DIRECTOR SHAKES MY HAND!!! He does this every year to every one! Can you imagine?!?!?! Pretty amazing story of this guy and how he started this race 10 YEARS AGO!!!

Waters are being handed to me. I just keep walking. OMG! I did it again. I did it solo. I DID IT! I CAN DO ANYTHING NOW! 

Go thru to get my medal....they put it around my neck!   Then one of those "heat" blankets, you know, the solar plastic/metal/hell I don't know what it is but it looks so damn cool!  It says "AKRON MARATHON FINISHER"  Deanna greets me!
This was just so amazing.

So, my official finish case you didn't track it.....3:02.36  

My training time was for a finish of 2:35. I was going to be happy with a finish time of 3 hours or under. I will take the 2 and half minutes over the goal of 3 hours. Why? Because I had to stop for the bathroom. I stopped to hug my biggest fan, my son. I stopped for pictures with my family! And mostly, because it was a PR for me. My first 1/2 was 3:35. I am just happy. 

I will give ya more of the post-race and more pictures in the next post. I am tired. I am probably forgetting a lot too! 

Thank you to everyone for all the FB cheers, posts, texts, good thoughts, encouraging words, during the race! It really pushed me! And every single of you were on the run with me in my thoughts!!!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Run. Strong. Soon I promise!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I've been thinking about this post since I started training for this half. Actually it was probably before the training actually started. I thought about who I was gonna give the biggest shout-outs and thanks to when race day was upon me. And it's not that everyone doesn't get a shout out because YOU ALL DO for believing in me. For following me on this journey this time around. For giving me the encouragement when I was down. But there are some specific shout outs that I just need to put out there...

First, Boss Lady and Training Planner Cult Lady.... One piece of paper 8 months ago changed my life. Not only did you "make" me do my first half marathon, but you have encouraged me to do another and soon another and then again probably another! You have taught me how to do speedwork, shown me that I can run 5 Fabulous Farrell Road hill repeats, make it through my long runs, try a new exercise, and just been a friend. Thank you for getting me "hooked"! Thank you for the awesome gift! The towel will come in handy on those HOT RUNS next summer!

Cristen, you have been on just about every single one of my runs. From short to long, to Fabulous Farrell to BHS for speed and bleachers. You have trained as hard as I have and didn't even know you. You've shown me how to step outside my comfort zone because you stepped out of yours. Thank you. I am so glad to have found a friend in you....and maybe a MIL down the road (wink!)

Kelly, your humor has made me laugh thru so many runs. Story upon story of your crazy life made what I was doing seem like it was nothing. It has been a journey and I am so glad to have shared it with you. And I haven't forgotten that you will being running in the next half with me!

Dr Pat...the ahhhhhhmazing Dr. Pat! Honestly, today's visit was my favorite! I really needed the humor you provided and above all else the confidence that you spoke to me. I know I got this. But hearing it from you made me believe it. You've helped my ass so much! (pun intended!) But in all seriousness, you are a great doctor who treats their patients like they are your friend. Your office staff is always so friendly and welcoming (and NO Cassie did not tell me to tell you that!) Thank you for believing in me!

And last but not least, BFFAE. I'm sad we aren't running this together. At least not physically. Mentally and emotionally you will be out there with me. And I can't wait to call you when I'm done and tell you all about it and compare it to the Cap! We will always have Cap! And we will RUN INDY! I owe you for this crazy running journey you sent me on 2 years ago with a 5k! It's been a ride! And it's only gonna get better! Some day I am going to beat you! ;-). Some. Day.

I am sure I am forgetting someone. Actually, I think I know who. But I will save that for another post. Probably an expo post!

Until tomorrow...

Run. Strong. Sincere thanks!

Last run before the big day!

And it was the hardest run yet! Not only on my body, but just trying to get it in! The plan was to go Wednesday morning since Nate had football games Wednesday and Thursday night. I also wanted to get it in 2 days pre-race so that my body could fully recover. AND, I was to see Dr. Pat on Thursday so I wanted to make sure it was done so he could work out the last kinks!  Well, Wednesday morning it was going to rain. So we postponed until Wednesday night after the football game. Should be able to run by 7:45! That was the plan. Success. Shelly was already out running so I pick her up as she is running to my house; scramble over to Katie's in a stalking fashion to kidnap her; Kelly is waiting at the Rec. She sends me a text. She has been watching the radar. It is going to dump on us in a matter of minutes. It's only 2 miles. We can do 2 miles. We will run fast. We will get wet. It will be fun. Those are the mantras running thru my head. And a quick prayer to my grandmother.

Power walk out of the Rec Center to the un-asphalt area and begin run. No headphones. No phone. The pitter of the rain falling. The cars splashing by. It was soothing. I am achey. I feel like I have a wooden peg for a right leg. Work it out. Work it out.  Half way down Stone Quarry, hobble gone. I am running. Feels good. Katie and Shelly are laughing (I think they had a little too much wine prior to this was a spontaneous run after all...)  All that I can think about is not falling, tripping, wiping out! I just want to be done!  It's only 2 miles.

Down to the bottom of Stone Quarry. Turn around and back up we go. It's a small hill. I go slow. I stop. I walk. All I hear is Dr. Pat telling me to walk the hill. Walk the hill. Okay. Okay. Fine. Walk it. It's not going to kill me to walk. Up the hill and back at it I go!

And we are done. Last run before I have to go 13.1 miles. 

We smile. Get our picture taken. Then me. Like my Bondi Band? NAMASTE. Thank you Kelly! Oh, and nice DUCK FACE Katie! LOL
Me, Kelly, Shelly, Katie
This run was special. Inge, the Swedish trainer, aka Shelly, was on this run with me. If you recall from my first half, Inge did some runs with me. She helped me thru my first training. So to have her on my last run for this half was really cool. I think I just teared up...  Thanks Shelly.

I am going to miss my BFFAE on Saturday. I am going to miss my running buddies Cristen, Kelly, Katie, Lisa. I am going to miss Boss Lady and Training Planner Cult Lady. But they will all be with me as I make this run. I will have all the fun memories, like a slide show, playing in my head. I can almost see it now.   

More to come today and tomorrow leading up to Saturday.... The ahhhhhmazing Dr. Pat, Race Prep, Expo, FUN STUFF!!!!

Run. Strong.

And we are here....

The above site is where you can track me via text, email, FB. If I haven't already registered you, have it at!

Expo was AWESOME!!!!! I love expos. All these people in one place for a common thing. To run. Whether it was 13.1 or 26.2 or Relay. It is bonding. I was pretty giddy. Deanna was too! And we spent some money. Not a lot. But enough. Found some cool sunglasses which I hope to get for Christmas. Added more bondi bands to my collection. Got a cool 13.1 Tshirt. Some ideas for gifts! I could have spent a lot of money!!!

We got a little crazy taking pictures too! But it was sooooo cool! Deb is a "Founder". The Akron Marathon is in its 10th year! This is the 10th time Deb has ran it, however, the first time she was part of a relay team. So she doesn't count it. Whatever. She's done this race for 10 years. And this year it almost didn't happen due to an injury and then surgery and just being released 5 weeks ago to run. So like the C25K program, she has gone from "mush to marathon" in 5 weeks. She's not looking to PR. She is just thankful that she can do it. I believe in her. It's pretty awesome!

My dad is running in the first leg of the Marathon Relay. Then jumping on his bike to catch up with Deb! He does this every year. I am going to get him to run a half with me sometime. I just think that would be the coolest thing ever. But even seeing him on his bike while I'm out there is gonna be pretty awesome too!

Check out the car! My name was on it! EVERY RUNNERS NAME IS ON IT! Sooooo freaking cool!!!

Deanna and I were joking earlier about her missing the split from the halfers to the fullers. See, at the Cap this past spring she ran the quarter marathon. And when that split from the halfers she almost missed it! Can you imagine missing the split between the half and the full!!?!?!! Oh hell no!!!

I was able to play with my niece and Nate tonight before I had to hibernate. They were racing. It was soo cute! I can't wait to see them cheering me I tomorrow. Before I left, Nate says to me, "Good luck mom. You got this! Im proud of ya". I wanted to stand there and big him forever! I've been feeling guilty the last week or so that I haven't spent much time with him. And when I relay this guilt to him he says "you run at 430am I am sleeping. It's fine!" And I know he's right. But hearing him say he's proud of me really melted my heart! You always hope your children take after you. I hope he picks up the running bug when he sees his mom running tomorrow. Love you Nate!

And that's that. I'm tired. But excited too. Bad combo when you have to go to sleep and get up in 8 hours.

I can't wait to tell you all about it!

Thank you to each one of you for all your support and encouragement! You will all be out there tomorrow with me!

Run. Strong.

Inspiration and Motivation

I have been repeating this to myself for the last week or's just what I need to remember...

It TOTALLY changed my life! And for the better. I love to run. It does make be smile.

I actually said this to myself on Saturday. My legs were fine. My head just wasn't in the game. So I stop and walk for a minute and I am back at it. I will not let my head give up.

This couldn't be farther from the truth. I have made some AHHHHHMAZING friends on this journey. Most of them were already friends, but I have gotten to know them so much better. Some of my training would not have been completed without them beside me. And the journey with YOU has been the best part ever!

My co-worker/friend CAF in Waltham, MA sent me a special care package yesterday. She is so sweet...always doing things like that...Anyhow, here is what she sent me....the pasta was wrapped up and had a note written on it "FOR PRE-RACE PREP AND MOTIVATION"  There was also a card for POST RACE! I can't wait to read that!!!

I think I can. I think I can. I KNOW I CAN!

Run. Strong.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Last speed workout for the Akron Half!

Last speed workout of this training season! 4x400's....Check!

Not too shabby on the time...

I will tell you that the first time I did speed work on July 25th, my times were as follows:
2:30, 2:22, 2:18, 2:25

And then....6x400's on August 14th... 2:27, 2:22,  2:30, 2:29, 2:30, 2:26 And then again....6x400's on September 6th....2:14, 2:14, 2:20, 2:24, 2:28, 2:26

So, yeah, not too shabby. I think it's fair to say that I have been consistent and maybe even improved a little. I will take it. Seeing the improvement boosts my confidence for the race. Realizing that I have worked hard for this is good for my soul.

The run was good. Thank you to Cristen, Kelly and Katie for getting up at o'dark 5am and braving the freezing cold with me. That was probably harder than the run itself...although I will say that the run in the cold was not much easier.  Next time, we are going to "snake" the field!

I wanted my last picture of speed work at the track on the "B" at the stadium field this morning, but it was dark....but you get the idea...

A little additional information regarding the PR this past weekend...As I said, this was our 3rd year at this race, and it was confirmed because I did not see our names in the race results for 2009.  But I looked up my times from 2010 and 2011; 46:29 and 46:17, respectively. WOW! Can you say ~9 minute improvement in a year?!?!?!?! 
Yeah, I'm a little stoked about that!

Today, sitting at my desk a BIRD HIT MY WINDOW! Freaked me out. I immediately Google it to see the meaning behind that because someone said it was bad luck, ahem, Andrea. Well, it doesn't necessarily mean bad luck or death. It could mean that an end is coming to suffering, to our own personal inquiry to heal ourselves; to a relationship that is not serving us in a good way; a job that is upsetting us... I am going to interpret this as a sign that my training is coming to an end and a new door is opening...gosh, I hope it isn't the door to a full...

And now for some motivational video that I plan to watch at least once a day... I have already watched it twice today. Training Planner Cult Lady posted this link for me on our FB page cRaZy LeGs....  Maybe, the most inspirational video ever . . .

And I am going to post a blog later with all my favorite running motivational banners/pictures/whatever they are called things.

Tempo and maybe some hills (walked of course) on Wednesday. Then I am resting, resting, resting....

If you have any motivational works or words of encouragement you would like to share with me, feel free to email them, post them here, or on my FB page, or text me...I welcome all your encouragement!

Run. Strong.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Last week...

Cause I was a slacker and didn't post anything on the other runs I did, or lack there of. Life starting to catch up with me and so was that unwanted "I'm not getting sick" sickness.

After the SPEEDY speedwork on Monday, I had a meeting with the ahhhhmazing Dr. Pat. He really does rock this. And I think what makes him "rock it" so much is that he is a runner too and he relates to what I am telling him and he genuinely cares about my wellness. I wish all doctors were runners. Maybe then I would like them more. So, some "dancing" shock therapy on my tush and hammy, and I was out the door with notes on what to do and what not to do and the confidence to get me thru the last of the  workouts until the week before, aghast, the 1/2. 

Tuesday night was also the greatest night ever! YOGA! SOA!  So, normally after yoga and I am all relaxed, I go home and watch Sons of Anarchy and get all worked up. Instead, I left the DVR do it's job and I waited. I needed to rest. I could feel ickiness coming on and I really needed to "nip it in the bud" and get some well deserved rest. And I was planning on getting up in the morning and running the last long run of 6 miles.

The plan was to meet and BE READY to run at 4:45AM. Well, that just didn't work. I woke up at 4am and felt, oh, not so good. Tired. A little achy. Throat scratchy. Not gonna happen. And it was super cold. There is always Thursday. Kelly was quite happy. Katie was too. Cristen, secretly I think she was too, but not sure she will admit it :)  So, we planned for Thursday but meet at 5 and just hope we can get the miles in, but if we can't, we can't. The realization is that, 8 days pre-race, one long run of 6 miles isn't going to affect my training and whether or not I am trained at this point. It's a little too late to be worrying about it. And honestly, with this minor little hip/butt/thigh issue, I really don't want to strain it more than I have to. This race means a lot to me.

So, Thursday, Cristen and Kelly meet me at the Rec and we start out of the rec. It's feeling good. Easy. Smooth. But it is super cold. I mean, really cold. It's different to run in the cold when I have trained the last 9 weeks in the HEAT. It takes longer for my legs to warm up. Takes longer to warm up my lungs. And honestly, if you can get brain freeze from cold weather, I am pretty sure I had that too. But, on the flip side, if the weather continues like this by the 1/2, then it's good to be ready to run in weather like that.  I had to stop and walk for a brief minute or two. My head just couldn't focus. It's racing at this point in the game. Panic. Brain freeze. I didn't hurt, except for the scary thoughts I am having. We only got 3 miles in that morning. And really had to push for the 3. Kelly had to get home by 6am. Sure, Cristen and I could have kept going. That is what we should have done. But we didn't. I just wasn't feeling it.  HATE THAT!  Well, it's over now. Pick myself up and get over it. Injury or time? Injury or run? Yeah, I keep telling myself that. Gosh, I sound like a wimp.

That was that. BFFAE and I had our annual Mandy's Sunshine 5k Run on Saturday in Greenville. We have done this race for the last 3 years (at least we think it's 3). It's really a great race for an even greater cause. Mandy was a 10 year old girl who passed away in 2005 of Wilm's Tumor. The race  benefits the Mandy Green Class of 2013 Memorial Scholarship fund and will provide scholarships to graduating seniors in the year 2013. We thought this was going to be the last year but it was announced before the start that the Hope Foundation will take over the race and another charitable cause. Our kids are the age that Mandy was when she passed. It really hits home for us. So we have made it our priority and always sign up for this race. 

And now I have an even more personal reason to do this race. I PR'd unofficially at this race.....37:59!!!! (according to the Garmin)  38:33 was my previous PR at the Breast Cancer Awareness race 7/28/12, also in Greenville, but a different route. The results aren't posted yet, so I haven't been able to confirm it...but when they are I will post it and let y'all know for sure! Although it's not a chipped race, I did not start my watch until I crossed that line and then did not turn off my watch until I crossed the finish line. This time was somewhat shocking to me, so I am anxious to get the results. I was really struggling to run. I was tired. I was sore from the horrible nights sleep. I didn't eat anything that morning, which isn't unusual for a warmer race, but it was easily in the low 40's that morning, if not upper 30's, and I should have eaten something to get me going. Cause the cold weather was not cutting it.  About 1.5 miles in I had to stop and walk for a few minutes. I waited until the water stop so that I would only walk as long as I had that water in my hand. Water gone, begin run. I stopped again one other time to refocus my head. Maybe a minute. Then I stopped one last time close to the 3 mile mark. I felt like I was going to puke. And honestly, not sure I didn't because I had to spit. Nasty. But then I saw the finish line. And I just started running. Fast. Or at least as fast as I could at that moment. I visualized the HS track. I was doing speedwork. 400 meters. That's all I had to do. I should have lapped my watch so I could see how fast I actually ran, but I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to be done. I didn't see the time when I crossed the line. I saw an 8. That was it. I have no idea what the rest was. We will see when the "official" results are posted. But regardless, I am happy!

On another personal reason why we like this race, it's in, MAID-RITES. Hello yumminess! Tradition started last year with stopping at Maid-Rite and getting 2 sandwiches and a beer after the race.  And the tradition continued this year! And NOW it will continue every year! YAY!!! And we have a new recruit to this race! TONI!!!!  
Me, BFFAE, Toni...and the GUM wall!
Our MB friends came down from Cleveland this weekend to camp at Natural Springs Resort with us. Toni has been training for a 1/2 Marathon as well! (You could say that BFFAE and I got her into running after we did the Cap City 1/2 in May!)  Camping is usually fun...Except the night before a race, camping in a thunderstorm, in a tent, was not so much fun. It was cold. It was wet. It was sleepless. O-well. What was done, was done.  We had fun.

The race, on the other hand, was fun. And the after party was fun. Except I was really too tired to do much but sit back and watch Nate fish. That boy is so cool. It was nice to hang with him this weekend. During this training, I haven't given him much "he and I" time. So it was nice to hang with him. To sit back and relax. To watch my boy just be a boy and have fun and laugh. 

So the weekend is over and my countdown has begun. I have my toiletry bag packed. I've thought about what I am going to wear on race day. I've thought about what I need to pack for the weekend. I won't be doing much after the race. Back to my sister's for some Buckeye Football and probably a nap. Hang with my niece (gosh I hope she doesn't ask for a piggy back or for me to chase her...AGHAST!)  We have 2 football games this week. The yard needs mowed. And I still have two workouts planned; 4x400's and 2 mile tempo. No yoga Tuesday, would have to go Thursday night, but with a football game that night in Beavercreek, it's not gonna happen :(. Of all weeks too, I really may need this one. Have to figure that out. Hmmmmmm. Anyhow. Oh and a chiro appointment for one last adjustment before race day! How could I forget! 

That's that. For now. I have a draft written of random thoughts...

Until then....
Run. Strong.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Random pre-race thoughts. Part 1

12 days pre-race and I'm icing my butt, my hamstring, my hip. The speed work felt great while I was doing it as honestly I didn't start to feel the pain until I was home today with Nate sick and sat more working than I would if I were at work. Dr. Pat will fix it up tomorrow. And yoga will help too!

I was reading a blog post tonight on Another Mother Runner and they were answering 10 questions about their running habits and quirks and just some random facts about them. I'm going to try and do that. Might be kinda interesting for some of you! Enlighten you to my craziness.

I'm also thinking about Amy and Melissa and their half this past weekend. It was so amazing watching those runners. It was like a wave of people just running from something or someone, but really they are just running because we like it. I didn't get to train with Amy and Melissa (they run faster than I do) but it felt like we trained together. Mostly because we both were training for a half and although it wasn't the same one and actually 2 week apart, we still shared the same experiences in training. The same fears. And the same sense of accomplishment (although mine is still 12 days away). I am just excited!

And then this wave of fear starts to come over me. It's too early to talk about those fears. But I have them. And while they scare me, they also push me and boost my confidence that I CAN DO THIS.

It's going to be bittersweet though. I will be running by myself. Me and my thoughts. Me and the half. I guess it's only appropriate. I plan to imagine people next to me. I may even carry my phone to call you when I need a push or just some encouragement. Or distraction. Or maybe not. Maybe I just need to put in my "less big girl" panties and just let myself run.

And this injury on my hip is beginning to freak me out! It's different from me PF in the spring. I can't explain it. It's not like it hurts more or less. It's just there and it's annoying.

I am totally rambling. It's time to get some sleep. Hope you enjoyed this random post there will be more to come I am sure.

Run. Strong.

Taper Down Workout #1....3x800's

  • 5:07
  • 5:03
  • 4:52 
Yeah, you read that right!! UNDER 5 MINUTES 1/2 MILE!   Last time I did the 800's was  08/29/12 and the times were 5:06, 5:05, 5:12, 5:11. Remember, this was the one that I knew I should have kicked it in at the end and didn't...

But let me tell you how amazing it felt first. 

Me, Cristen, Kelly
I met up with Cristen and Kelly at the HS at our usual o'dark 5am and we started off on our warmup walk off the school grounds and then started running. We all agreed that the first 20 steps of running are the hardest ones to take. It's all about finding your groove, rhythm, mojo, sync, whatever you want to call it. It's working out the kinks. About 1/2 mile into it we were in a groove. Turning the corner to head back to the HS, I almost considered just going running that morning and doing speed work later in the week, because I was feeling sooooo good. I love when I feel that good on a run! It's just an ahhhhhhmazing feeling!

We meander into the track and start off right away. I only had 3 to do and just wanted to get going on them. I was curious to see how well I was going to do these in. It's the last hard speed work workout (4x400's next week). I didn't look back to see what I did the last 800's in. I just knew I had 6 minutes to get 1/2 mile (2x around the track, 800). And that was the only goal I was going for. 

The first one felt fast. But my legs didn't hurt. My hip didn't hurt. I was breathing good (despite still feeling a large mammal sitting on my chest). When I checked the time, I was SHOCKED! I mean seriously? Okay. I will take it. Even Cristen commented that it felt fast. We walked 1/2 the track and started right back into #2. Again, feeling great. No stingers. No pain. Breathing good. Okay. And then checked the time. WHAT?! That was faster? Crap. I thought I had slowed down a little bit! I guess not! Half way around the track to recover and back at it. Last one. And we shoot off. Only this time, the 2nd time around about 3/4 done, I throw out the f'bomb and pick up my pace. Not because I looked at my watch, cause I didn't, but because I just felt the need to. Cristen is still going strong next to me. And we are D-O-N-E. She immediately says "I'm gonna puke". I say, "I am too. We just did that one in 4:52!" O-M-G  WE REALLY JUST RAN THAT FAST??? Oh, the fast people do! HA! We were fast today!  Full walk around the track. I don't remember a single conversation. I think maybe Kelly was talking about Lauren's homecoming dress? Or maybe we were talking about the weather. Maybe we didn't talk. I know I was just trying to breath! 

I honestly pushed myself today like I don't ever recall pushing myself. I remembered back to the first time I tried the 800's with Boss Lady and Training Planner Cult Lady. I remember thinking  I was going to die. Wondering if I would ever be good at these. I can tell you today. I am good at these. I think I actually like speed work. I know, Kelly. I know.  Track workout is a great workout. It really gives you an opportunity to push yourself each lap around the track. It's a great way to gauge your comfort level and step outside that comfort level and do what you thought you couldn't do. 

I challenge you all to try a track workout. 

Nate is home sick from school today with appears to be a flu bug. I am avoiding him at all costs. Where are you FedEx???

Run. Strong.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sum it up!

Mile Repeats (3) WITHOUT PAIN!
The week started out good. Speed-work was complete (mile repeats). TWO visits to the ahhhhmazing Dr. Pat (lucky me!). Yoga did wonders (and so did Dr. Pat) Tuesday on my hit/butt/hamstring! A short 2.25 run on Thursday. And then I rested Friday. Headed out Saturday morning at o'dark 6am for what I was aiming to be a 6-8 mile run. My plan called for a 12 mile run. However, after the slight injury earlier this week and having to visit the chiropractor TWICE, it was recommended that I just shoot for 6-8 and then maybe finish it up on Sunday. So, that was the plan.

 And the run began. And it felt good. I didn't feel stiff I started running. At least until about mile 2 when I got a sharp "stinger" in my butt. But (ha, no pun intended), I didn't stop. I kept going. Mentally I tried to "relax" my butt muscles. It's a mental thing. I don't know. But it worked. It "kinda" went away. Or maybe I just ignored it and kept on running. Cristen and I must have slowed down because I had to yell up to "speedies" Lisa and Kelly to slow down a little bit! Geesh! Slow and easy girls. Slow and easy.

Get into McDonalds for some H2O and then head back out thru the plat behind BHS. It's a nice, rolling hill type of neighbor. And it's quiet. And we usually see it in the dark. And then I called my dad. I just wanted to. I don't know why. So I put him on speaker and we all chatted with him. Spelled "FOCUS". I was focused. We were focused. Honestly, this run was feeling great!  Cristen found a quarter. She said it was for me; for my race fund. But she found it. I can't really keep it. But she said she would have lost it. So I will start her race fund! She's muuuuuch closer than I am. I only have 12 cents! 

Our route led us up to Fabulous Farrell Road! I was secretly excited about this. I missed the hill repeat workout on Wednesday (mean, but right Dr!) so I was looking forward to going up it. Even if I didn't make it up, I was excited to try it! It had been about 3 weeks since I had done the workout. I thought it would be fun to video record actually running up the hill. And it was pretty successful. Buuuuutttttt, it's really shaky. And I couldn't download the entire thing. So, you are just gonna have to run it yourself! :)

Can ya see the longhorns? Such a perfect picture!
At this point in the run we had only been about 4 miles in. I really wanted to get at least 6. I knew if we went back up the route that we usually do it would only be 5 miles. Not enough. So, we lengthened it and went up Mulberry. Again, a slight hilly road. And curvy. But it was worth it. The longhorns were out! I know, you are thinking, Longhorns, like the animal? In Vandalia? Yep. And Kelly called her house to have them bring some water out to us!

Cristen, Me, Kelly, Lisa
We then stalked thru Copperfield (mile repeat route) and back over to the Rec Center. 6.3 miles. Wasn't quite 12, nor 8. There was minimal walking (except up a smalllll portion of FFR). And honestly, my legs and feet and butt felt pretty good. It was my belly that had other ideas. So, naturally I had to call it quits. I was going to try and get more in on Sunday anyhow. 

After this run, Kelly and I were gonna head down to the AF Marathon and cheer on our friends Amy and Melissa (sisters) who were running  the 1/2! We hadn't told them we were going because we wanted to surprise them! We called them while we were out running (right about the time we got to the longhorns) to wish them luck! They sounded nervous. But excited. Probably just ready to run! I hate that waiting game. We got down there to mile 9 where it was a "designated spectator area". YAY AMY AND MELISSA!!!!  And they were so excited to see us! It took a bit of yelling and jumping to get their attention but when we did, they were all smiles and happy to see us! Seeing friends and family on the route can really get you going and mentally thru the rest of the race (ahem, family and friends in Akron).

I literally got chills watching all those runners. It was just amazing! I got so psyched! They looked so STRONG. So FAST. When I saw what would be my pace come thru, I was equally excited. Because they were out there. They were doing it. And for about a half a second, I thought, maybe I would do this race. And then it went away. But I stood there and rang my cowbell as loud as I could! I screamed for them. I yelled for them. I told them great job. I called them by name (your name is on your bib). I high-five some of them (sweaty hands and all). And I rang the cow bell LOUDER when they would say "MORE COWBELL!" It was quite exhilarating. I am ready for my race. I can't wait for my race. 

Amy and Melissa finished under their desired time of 2:20! So happy for them! 

They are in the blue shirts!!!
Sunday got me out with Boss Lady for a few miles. We ran one. But walked 3. And it was a power walk. She doesn't walk slow by any means.  I always enjoy my "Boss Lady" time. 

I am pretty impressed with my watch!
So, tomorrow is Monday. And I am officially in taper down mode. I have an appointment with the chiro. Speed-work of 3x800's. 6 mile long run. A 5k on Saturday. And yoga! It's gonna be a busy week. But I am looking forward to it. I have so many thoughts in my head about what I need to do before the race. Silly things. Like, what I need to pack, what I plan on doing when I get home. I think I may have to make a list. And then make another one. I have jotted down some random thoughts that I will blog about before race day. My thoughts are so random. You may just find out what I ate for dinner. 

I might add that I feel like an elephant sitting on my chest right now. Which is partly why I didn't mind the power walk with Boss Lady. My chest is so tight. It's allergies. But just in case, I am loading up on zinc with my AdvoCare CitriZinc chews! Boss Lady and Training Planner Cult Lady swear by them when they start to feel like they are getting sick.

With that said, I am exhausted. 

Run. Strong.


Monday, September 10, 2012

The last of the 1600's

I just read my blog post from the last time I did the 3x1600's. It was actually the time I didn't have to do the mile repeats but did them anyway. Back in August. Okay. So it was only like 3 weeks ago, but seems like forever ago. And it was an unscheduled mile repeat. I say all this to defend my times on this morning's mile repeats....
Mile 1: 11:30
Mile 2: 11:49
Mile 3: 11:33

When we did the "unscheduled" mile repeats it was ridiculous times of 10:22, 10:40, 10:50.   I was also running with the fastest people in our group (Boss Lady, Katie, Lisa, Holly) that morning. I also wasn't as flipping tired as I was this morning. 

However, this morning I did beat my times from the miles I did on a scheduled mile repeat week in the beginning of August...almost exactly a month ago...11:38, 11:40, 11:48. So there.

I am sore this today. And tired. And if Kelly or Cristen had texted and said they were "bailing" I would have been just as content. And that sentiment was realized this morning while we stood at our cars at the Rec Center. It was even offered to go home. But we were there. And therefore we were going to go do these miles. And when this race is complete, I will not be running for a week.

And they were uneventful. Quite. 

But I could feel every single muscle and foot hitting the pavement. And I could hear my feet which sounded like lead hammers. I could hear myself breathing over Godsmack in my ears. I was so in tune with my body it was discouraging. I am hitting what I will name the "training wall". I am tired. I am burnt out. I am just downright exhausted. And either my mind is finally listing to my body, or my body is finally listening to my mind. Whichever it may be, I have to get out of this funk. This cloud. This aura. I have to find my "happy place" and finish this out strong. Because right now I feel weak. Beaten. 

And these feelings are not going to get me thru the 12 miler this weekend. These feelings aren't going to get me to race day. 

I am going to see the Ahhhhhmazing Dr. Pat today. I. Can. Not. Wait. The roller bed. The adjustments. The bit of confidence he will give me to get me thru the last 3 weeks of this training. 

Stay tuned for that update.

Run.Strong. Or at least try to...