Thursday, March 21, 2013

Just one of those days....

They say a run will make you feel better and clear your head. Tonight was not that run.

Everything felt off. And it began when I just couldn't round up my troops with the excitement and push I needed them to have. And that's cool. It's life. So I overcame and found other people. But when I dropped Nate off at SNAPP and planned on running the path by myself (because I managed to cancel on everyone) I decided to just sit in my car and cry. Yep. Cry. And I just wanted to sit there and continue my pity party all by myself. A package of tissues later, I wiped my eyes and nose and got out of the car.

I made myself get out. I was NOT going to let this day get the best of me. I had to get a run in this week for a number of reasons...
1. I have a 10k race on Sunday. It is going to be bleeping COLD. And probably snowing and/or raining. This does not make me happy. But it would have made me even more unhappy if I didn't get a run in before the race. And seeing as how I hate Fridays at work (they literally give me a headache and exhaust me to no end) I doubt that I will get a run in after work. And Saturday I don't plan on running to rest my legs (day before long run rule) .
2. It's cold. It's now or never. And seeing as how I HIGHLY DOUBT it is going to get any warmer in the next 6 weeks, I need to suck it up and just do it.
3. Indy half marathon in 43 days. Enough said. I'm screwed. Oh but a long run (10k) this weekend and then another longer run (15k) in 2 weeks, maybe, just maybe I will be ready. I'm not looking to PR from Akron but I sure would like to finish before my Cap City time last year. Just saying.
4. And I JUST WANTED TO RUN! Or so I thought, because sitting in the car and crying my eyes out really did seem like a good idea too. For a moment at least...

So that's the story. I may, and I really use that term loosely, try to get another run in tomorrow before the Buckeyes take the court at 7:35pm. I only need 6 hours at the office tomorrow and I'd like to get to Up and Running tomorrow for some running motivation. And there is the bathroom tile to do so I can hopefully grout it on Saturday. Yeah, I'll let ya know if that run actually happens tomorrow...

I wish I had more to say about the run itself. It really wasn't that bad. I still hate the first mile of any run. My feet sounded like I had big clown shoes on as I was running. My clothes felt all caddy-whomped too. Headphones were aggravating me. So was the music. It was COLD. But after that first mile, I felt like I found my groove and was able to push all those thoughts and distractions out of my mind and feel the run. Managed to get 3 miles in. I think I still would have preferred to sit in my car and cry. Just one of those days I guess...

Run. Strong. Or cry and then go run...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Go Bananas!


You should always listen to your body. And I should listen to my own advice!

Went for a run Friday night. Short 2 miler. But it felt good. No, GREAT! A little PF pain over the weekend. But stretching helped.

Another 2.5 miler on Monday. Felt even better after the first mile. Even though it was windy! And running into the wind is hard. Again a little PF pain. But tolerable.

Tonight. A whole other story! Yoga. 3rd week in a row! That is such an accomplishment for me! And I could definitely tell the difference in my poses and flexibility. However, one particular pose, the Crescent, did not fare so well left quad went tight. Tight like I have never felt in my quad. My calve, sure. Quad, not so much. And it affected me just enough that I fell completely out of the pose and went crashing (ok a little exaggerated) down! I got back up ad proceeded into a down-dog to stretch it out. And it worked. A little.

After class someone asked if it was a cramp. I said yes. Explained I ran last night. Potassium she says. Yes, I know. I have failed. I am on day 9 of the 10 day cleanse. So concerned about getting the right foods in, not even thinking that I need to increase my potassium intake via bananas. Duh.

Anyhow. To Kroger I went for BANANAS.

SIDE NOTE: I have this cheer from when I was a school aged cheerleader in my head every time I say goes something like this: GO BANANAS! B-A-N-A-N-A-S! And it has this goofy arm movement too. And yes, in my head I am doing the whole movement. Ask me sometime. Maybe I'll show ya!

Anyhow. 6 bananas later and a Facebook message to the ahhhhhhmazing Dr Pat for an appt PRONTO, I am home on the phone with Training Planner Lady and the best conversation evolves! I admit to her that I miss FABULOUS FARRELL ROAD! Turns out she does too! Soon. As soon as its a little lighter out in the morning. One day a week. A good workout together. I am so excited! It's sickening! With this impending Indy (not a mini) Half Marathon in 7 weeks and 2 other long races in the next 4 weeks, I need this excitement. This drive. This motivation. This THRILL!!! And she is just the lady to tell me I CAN DO IT!

So onward and upward I go! With a tight quad, PF pain and DRIVE to do this I am gonna be ready. Mentally at least!!

Run. Strong.