Thursday, March 21, 2013

Just one of those days....

They say a run will make you feel better and clear your head. Tonight was not that run.

Everything felt off. And it began when I just couldn't round up my troops with the excitement and push I needed them to have. And that's cool. It's life. So I overcame and found other people. But when I dropped Nate off at SNAPP and planned on running the path by myself (because I managed to cancel on everyone) I decided to just sit in my car and cry. Yep. Cry. And I just wanted to sit there and continue my pity party all by myself. A package of tissues later, I wiped my eyes and nose and got out of the car.

I made myself get out. I was NOT going to let this day get the best of me. I had to get a run in this week for a number of reasons...
1. I have a 10k race on Sunday. It is going to be bleeping COLD. And probably snowing and/or raining. This does not make me happy. But it would have made me even more unhappy if I didn't get a run in before the race. And seeing as how I hate Fridays at work (they literally give me a headache and exhaust me to no end) I doubt that I will get a run in after work. And Saturday I don't plan on running to rest my legs (day before long run rule) .
2. It's cold. It's now or never. And seeing as how I HIGHLY DOUBT it is going to get any warmer in the next 6 weeks, I need to suck it up and just do it.
3. Indy half marathon in 43 days. Enough said. I'm screwed. Oh but a long run (10k) this weekend and then another longer run (15k) in 2 weeks, maybe, just maybe I will be ready. I'm not looking to PR from Akron but I sure would like to finish before my Cap City time last year. Just saying.
4. And I JUST WANTED TO RUN! Or so I thought, because sitting in the car and crying my eyes out really did seem like a good idea too. For a moment at least...

So that's the story. I may, and I really use that term loosely, try to get another run in tomorrow before the Buckeyes take the court at 7:35pm. I only need 6 hours at the office tomorrow and I'd like to get to Up and Running tomorrow for some running motivation. And there is the bathroom tile to do so I can hopefully grout it on Saturday. Yeah, I'll let ya know if that run actually happens tomorrow...

I wish I had more to say about the run itself. It really wasn't that bad. I still hate the first mile of any run. My feet sounded like I had big clown shoes on as I was running. My clothes felt all caddy-whomped too. Headphones were aggravating me. So was the music. It was COLD. But after that first mile, I felt like I found my groove and was able to push all those thoughts and distractions out of my mind and feel the run. Managed to get 3 miles in. I think I still would have preferred to sit in my car and cry. Just one of those days I guess...

Run. Strong. Or cry and then go run...

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