Thursday, September 6, 2012

6x400's and the forgotten picture

I forgot to take my picture this morning after my speed work. Booooo. So, I stopped D in the parking lot when I got to work because Kelly suggested "take the picture now and say this is what you look like after your run and all cleaned up!" GREAT IDEA! I have actually been thinking about that lately...all my pictures are of me sweaty and gross (thank goodness you can't "scratch-n-sniff" a blog!)...I don't always look like that, although it does seem that way lately... So here is a picture of me after my workout, when I got to work! "I am pretty. Oh so pretty" (not sure if that is an actual song, but my sister and I used to sing it growing up, oh, heck, we still sing it to each other!)

So the 6x400's. Yeah. They are done. I actually like 400's. They are, well, easy. Think about it. One time around the track at top speed. Or, what should be top speed. I got lazy today. The first one was A-W-E-S-O-M-E. The third thru sixth, not so awesome (note the upper and lower case)

Lap 1: 2:14.09
Lap 2: 2:14.57
Lap 3: 2:20.45
Lap 4: 2:24.98
Lap 5: 2:28.69
Lap 6: 2:26.97

Lap 6 was better than lap 5, but not as great as lap 1 & 2. Like I said, I got lazy. My chest got tight. My sinuses started flooding down my throat. I was a mess. And I let it mess with my head. And I got lazy. 

I should add that I could have stopped at 4 laps as it was 5:55am and I needed to be done by 6 am to get home and get Nate up for school. But I finished the workout. 

I told the girls this morning that I was going to blog a part of our morning conversation because it was so funny! So here it goes...full-on embarrassment and all....The girls, (which shall remain unnamed, but if you know who I always run with you should be able to decipher who I am talking about), and I had a candid discussion this morning about gas. Not the kind you put in your car or lawn mower, but rather the kind that comes out one of two places on your body. Yes, that gas. Flatulence. One of us stated that on the first lap she was very fast. And she should be glad the others started a bit after she did as she was "sputtering" around the track. The next lap, that did not happen and her time was much slower. So the "sputtering" was attributed it to being rocket-like and therefore making her faster! We cracked up! It was so funny! I guess it was one of those moments that ya "just had to be there" but at o'dark thirty with sleep still in the tired eyes, a laugh will go a long way!  I tell ya, it's a good thing we don't have boys run with us. And it's a wonder why I haven't had a date in awhile!  (BTW...I was not the one sputtering...Tuesday evening, yes, that was me. There. Confession made.)
So anyhow, on the last part of our morning warm-up run, I found a penny. I actually circled back to pick it up. I love finding money. Even a penny. 

Nate has a football game this evening in Lebanon. It's going to be a long day.  Thank goodness for rest tomorrow and gearing up for a 10 mile long run in what looks like may be rain. 

Run. Strong. 

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