Thursday, September 27, 2012


I've been thinking about this post since I started training for this half. Actually it was probably before the training actually started. I thought about who I was gonna give the biggest shout-outs and thanks to when race day was upon me. And it's not that everyone doesn't get a shout out because YOU ALL DO for believing in me. For following me on this journey this time around. For giving me the encouragement when I was down. But there are some specific shout outs that I just need to put out there...

First, Boss Lady and Training Planner Cult Lady.... One piece of paper 8 months ago changed my life. Not only did you "make" me do my first half marathon, but you have encouraged me to do another and soon another and then again probably another! You have taught me how to do speedwork, shown me that I can run 5 Fabulous Farrell Road hill repeats, make it through my long runs, try a new exercise, and just been a friend. Thank you for getting me "hooked"! Thank you for the awesome gift! The towel will come in handy on those HOT RUNS next summer!

Cristen, you have been on just about every single one of my runs. From short to long, to Fabulous Farrell to BHS for speed and bleachers. You have trained as hard as I have and didn't even know you. You've shown me how to step outside my comfort zone because you stepped out of yours. Thank you. I am so glad to have found a friend in you....and maybe a MIL down the road (wink!)

Kelly, your humor has made me laugh thru so many runs. Story upon story of your crazy life made what I was doing seem like it was nothing. It has been a journey and I am so glad to have shared it with you. And I haven't forgotten that you will being running in the next half with me!

Dr Pat...the ahhhhhhmazing Dr. Pat! Honestly, today's visit was my favorite! I really needed the humor you provided and above all else the confidence that you spoke to me. I know I got this. But hearing it from you made me believe it. You've helped my ass so much! (pun intended!) But in all seriousness, you are a great doctor who treats their patients like they are your friend. Your office staff is always so friendly and welcoming (and NO Cassie did not tell me to tell you that!) Thank you for believing in me!

And last but not least, BFFAE. I'm sad we aren't running this together. At least not physically. Mentally and emotionally you will be out there with me. And I can't wait to call you when I'm done and tell you all about it and compare it to the Cap! We will always have Cap! And we will RUN INDY! I owe you for this crazy running journey you sent me on 2 years ago with a 5k! It's been a ride! And it's only gonna get better! Some day I am going to beat you! ;-). Some. Day.

I am sure I am forgetting someone. Actually, I think I know who. But I will save that for another post. Probably an expo post!

Until tomorrow...

Run. Strong. Sincere thanks!

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