Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quick and to the point!

That was the theme of the workout this morning. Speed work to be exact. 4x800's. Yeah that's 2x around the track as fast as I can go so that I feel like I'm gonna die. Maybe I didn't run hard enough because they were oddly, dare I say it, enjoyable!? But I can feel tonight that I did them because my right hammy is tight and my hip feels out of whack!

These 800's were to be done in 6:30/each. Here is what I did them in!
And I'm a little disappointed in myself. I admit it. Coming around the last turn I knew I needed to kick it into gear. I even told myself that. And did. But it wasn't enough :(. The last one you do should be faster than your first. But! I am pretty sure that the last time I did them (with Boss Lady) that my times were much slower! Soooooooo, my last ones were faster than the first ones! Hehehe!

So, school started back this week. Talk about chaotic. Boss Lady isn't able to run with me right now. Training Planner/Cult Lady is running with her though! I miss them.

Katie, Lisa and Kelly joined me this morning though! We've had to bump the time to 5am! Eeek! So we got the mile warmup completed and Kelly gets a horrible migraine. She departed. Katie, Lisa, and myself headed to the track! Those two run fast! Lisa was easily 30 seconds ahead of me; Katie was 20 seconds ahead of me. I know it's only seconds, but honesty, seconds make all the difference! By the 3rd 800 I wasn't sure I was going to get that 4th one in. It was 5:55am! I needed to get home to get Nate up and ready for school. But I went ahead and did it. He could get in the shower first. I can be a little late. So I got all 4 in with a mile+ warmup and even cool downs. Pretty awesome. AND! Katie and Lisa proceeded to do the bleachers! Go Katie! Go Lisa!

Quick and to the point.

Which just proves that you can get a workout in no matter how much time you have. You just have to start.

So get out there! Do a little! Do a lot! Do whatever you have time for! Remember taking the first step is the hardest! You can do it!!!!

Run. Strong.

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