Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fabulous Farrell Road!

5x this morning! Can we say "Burning Legs!". Holy cow! It's taken me all day to write this because I am so exhausted. And I hurt. But on the upside, NO PAIN-NO GAIN! And the gain is in the muscle I am developing in my quads and calves! Thank goodness tomorrow is a REST DAY!

Kinda funny story.... Get done with hill 3 and down at the bottom and Shirley says "hey, we are doing so good on time you should be able to get in 5 hills!" Of course this is said with such excitement and a smile! She's trying to get me excited. Well I was...only to tell her "I know. I planned on doing 5 today! I AM DOING 5." I shocked her! It was awesome! Yep! Amy confirmed it. It was the plan all along! And I did it!

I am not gonna lie and say it was easy. Cause it wasn't. But it was worth it. The first hill was good. Cruised up. Second hill about the same. But this was when Shirley and Amy, who will now be called BEASTS, passed me! The third one was just as good because I was still going strong and I felt like I had already won! The last 2 were the last 2. Enough said. I was done. I did it. Now I just had to run back to the Rec Center. Sometimes that is the hardest part. Especially when we take of sprinting with the BEASTS! I tried keeping up. And was probably doing okay. But my mind picked up in what my body was doing and it said "oh hell no!" So I dropped back and let them run together. Kelly is more my pace, no, not really. She runs a little faster than I do but I can keep up.

We continued on to the Rec Center and FINALLY caught up with them and then proceeded to PASS THEM! Granted they were doing their cool down walk but we ran right between them! Just because we could! Pretty cool!

During one of the recoveries down the hill, I brought up to Kelly how much I appreciate all the people who have come out to run, workout, push themselves. And I can't help but wonder if they would have been doing all this stuff if I hadn't invited, asked, inquired? For example, would Kelly be out running HILLS at 530 in the morning! Would anyone really want to do that? I guess what I am saying is I am training for the Akron Half, Kelly is not. But she's still out there doing it with me, for herself. It's just so interesting to hear and think about the different reasons why these girls are out there every morning with me if they aren't training for something. And I guess I wonder what drives them to do it. Is it me and the FB posting of my workouts? Is it because they want to be that healthy too? Or is it because they are just weird?! Just kidding! Lol! And I wonder what I will do after this half.

After the Columbus Cap City 1/2 I knew that I was gonna sign up for the Akron 1/2. And 3 weeks after that BFFAE and I are packing up the car and the kids and heading out to MB for another half. I can say that I'm already considering the next half in the spring...Indy I think. And then there's the next fall 1/2...maybe Nashville? Who knows! The possibilities are endless. So I guess I answered my own question. I will always be training and I will always be eating healthy and I will ALWAYS be striving to BE BETTER, BE FASTER, BE A BEAST!

Oh! I thought my LR was 12 this week. I am happy, and a little sad, to report that I was wrong. It's only 6. So why happy? Cause my legs are so sore right now, I can barely walk, I don't have to do 12!!! But sad? Yeah, cause I was strangely excited about checking 12 miles off and now I don't get to. I will gladly accept the 6 and I know I can TOTALLY do that! Piece of cake!

The pic is of Kelly and I after the hills. It was her first time and she was convinced she was only going 4x. Ha. 5x she did! Yay Kelly!!!

Goodnight. I'm exhausted!

Run. Strong.

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