Friday, August 10, 2012

Hill Repeats...again...

Farrell Road behind's the bottomless hill!
Yeah, that's right. Hill Repeats. The ever so loving Farrell Road. 4x. Same drill. Would have liked to have gotten 5 repeats in but I was under a time crunch this morning so we had to start earlier and finish earlier. And there was a strong skunk smell this morning as we were heading up #4. But I got 4 in! Next time 5!

But they didn't feel like a good 4 hills. Mostly because I am out of my AdvoCare O2 Gold. It really does help with my breathing. It oxygenates me more and I can just breath better!

We had some new people join us this morning. I wonder what they thought? Katie, Holly, Lisa...feel free to weigh in. Would love to hear what you thought of the fun this morning!

I think people think that Hill Repeats are easy. I thought that too at first. And maybe they are to some people. But I think it really depends on the hill. For example, heading west on Stone Quarry is an incline. When I have to do my mile repeats(3x1600's) again (but not until week 8!), I may do Stone Quarry. It's a slight incline that doesn't intimidate me as much as Farrell Road. I need to find another hill. I want to see if Farrell Road is really that intimidating or if it's just hills in general. Open to suggestions of hills in the area!!!

In other news, I read on a running blog this week,, about how cherry juice is a good recovery food for runners, and well, just healthy! Plus I am a little bored with bananas after my runs anyhow! But cherry juice, and I am assuming fresh cherries, provide the following benefits:
  • Provides pain relief:  tart cherry juice has been shown to block enzymes that cause inflammation
  • Performs as a sleep aid:  tart cherry juice has been shown to encourage melatonin production.  Melatonin is a hormone secreted in the brain that brings on sleep
  • Fights heart disease:  tart cherry juice helps fight triglycerides, which is a chemical form of fat in foods.

So with that in mind, when I went to the grocery last night, I picked up a bag of fresh cherries. They were $1.99/pound at Kroger! What a deal!!!  2 pounds later, washed, rinsed and in a strainer ready for the morning! (I chomped on a handful before bed...had to test the Melatonin aspect! DOH! ) And this morning I did enjoy! Along with my banana. 

I have to admit that I have felt better today after the hills than I have on previous occasions. Maybe it's just because it's FRIDAY!  
Or maybe because it's THIS GUYS 12th Birthday on Saturday!!!

NATE!!!!! 1st Birthday!
It's been a good week...all things considered. Looking forward to the Long Run of 10 miles on Sunday. I am sure there will be lots to blog about then! 

Thinking about a run tomorrow morning...try this "recovery run" that I read about!

Until then...

Happy Birthday Nate! Mommy loves you!!!
Run. Strong.

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