Thursday, July 26, 2012

The long run...

is least for this week.

6 miles under the belt. Next up 8. 

Saw 2 raccoons. Those things are kinda scary looking. 

We got to the halfway point (McDonalds) and got some water. The cashier looked at us and said 'WOW. Hot out there". My first instinct was to say "No, it's raining." But she would have known that to be a lie as it hasn't really rained much. Regardless. Jen politely replies, "Yep, have to get it in now though. Gets hotter as the day goes on. And we have to work." SMH. 

Water was delicious. Ice. Cold. Water. Back out the door and finish up the last 3 miles.

Wasn't too bad. Except that National Road's sidewalk, where they haven't replaced it, is rather, oh, crappy?! I think Jen and I both about biffed it once or 5 times. 

Got back into the Rec Center and Cult Training Lady (aka Shirley) was there just finishing her run...a measly 3 miles (wink, wink). Glad she was there to see us come back so that I could say "LOOK, I DID IT!" Hehehehe! 

I felt good after the 6. Wasn't sure I was going to make it at 2 miles. And then again at 4 miles. But I did. And I am glad it's done. 

I am paying for it now though. 4am wakeup is not easy. Especially when I have to work. Hope Jen is making it thru her day okay.... We need to move these runs to the weekend!

No picture this morning. :( 

Back at it Saturday for the 5k/Tempo Run. Piece of cake. Yes, I think I will!



  1. You will pay for the 3 mile comment. I haven't done a 6 miler in over a month so now you have inspired me to get out on a long run next week.

  2. Oh, I know you will make me pay for that! I foresee hill repeats and big sprints in my near future! 6 miles is nothing for you! That's the longest distance I have ran since the half! And it felt GREAT!!! And it makes me feel good that I inspired you because YOU INSPIRED ME TO TRAIN AND RUN 1/2's!!! Thank you!!!!
