Literally and figuratively!
New Crown Bondi shorts too! |
I got a late start on this run on Sunday (8/26/12) for many reasons. But it was completed and that is really all that mattered!
Kelly wanted to run the bike path from Taylorsville Dam (Vandalia) to Kyle Park (Tipp City). It's 5.5 miles. So, it would be an "out and back" run. Not my favorite types of runs, especially for a long run. But I guess if I had to do one like that the bike path would be a good place to do it. Which sounds all fine and dandy unless you get a late start and then it's just hot.
Boy was that place crowded too! I think everyone was out riding their bikes or running or walking! What was so cool was that everyone was there for the same It's an outdoor gym!
So, off and running we went. And just as I am running, thinking about all the upcoming things before the Akron 1/2, like the next long run, what the workouts will be this week, when I'm going to clean the house, I want to go to the pool, and when my next chiropractor appointment is...low and behold, there is my chiropractor himself! The AHHHHMAZING Dr. Pat! He was running! What a cool thing! I knew he ran. He used to run with the Boss Lady and Shirley. They referred me to him with my PF last spring! But how cool to actually see him out, on a run! Such awesomeness!
And speaking of AWESOMENESS! Who do I see next, the beast Amy Vanderpool! HOLY COW! This woman had a terrifying crash on her bike approximately 6 weeks ago. She has been training for the IronMan event later in September I believe. Anyhow, she busted herself up on her bike. Knee caps, ribs, etc. I may be exaggerating a little, but from what I was told she was pretty beat up! And there she was out running! On the last 2.5 miles to go, I see her again! I stop and high 5 her! I mean seriously! She looked AMAZING! What a BEAST! GO AMY!!!!
Also out on this run, I get a call from Boss Lady herself! Asking how we are doing! We are going strong I tell her. We were on the last half of the 10. She was cheering us on! She is so awesome!
Speaking of calls, I called my boss Andrea around the 3.5 - 4 mile mark...we are going to need water. I am starting to get the chills. My energy is depleting quickly. It's hot. Kelly said there was a water fountain there, but all I can think is that if there is not we are screwed. Andrea lives in Tipp, so I called and asked nicely, no I demanded, that she get her arse out of bed and "bring 3 very cold water bottles to Kyle Park in approximately 15-30 minutes. We will be entering the park from the bike path from Vandalia. I have no idea where that is, so I hope you do!" Sure! No problem. Oh thank goodness!
There is this sign prior to entering Kyle Park there is this sign. I love this sign. Especially when I am thirsty! Not that I really wanted to stop, but I needed to stop! There is a distinct line of wanting to stop and needing to stop!
While guzzling water and catching our breath and me adjusting my socks, I see another familiar face! Karine! I met her once at the Bec's Bunch 5k in late July. Actually exactly a month ago! Boss Lady introduced me. She is so full excitement! Anyhow, there she is riding her bike following her son on his run. I said hi and she said "Hi! Tami, right?!" My heart melted! I just thought that was the coolest thing EVER! She eventually was coming back behind us when we were heading back and she slowed down to chat with us a little bit. Very encouraging! It's just a cool feeling. Or it's the dehydration kicking in again... nah, it was pretty awesome!
A little while later, almost to the finish, Boss Lady calls. Asks how we are doing, how much longer, and cheering us on. That was really cool! I knew my upgrade would pay off! And it did even more so when I called Cristen's husband to take the girls to the pool by 11:30 to get Cristen and I chairs cause we got done with this run "we are taking our stinky selves to the pool to chill out and cool off these muscles!"
We finished the run in 2:24:06. I am good with that. Not ideal. But under the circumstances...late start of 9am (ick!) and it was blazing hot out...I will take it. Oh, I also had on new shorts that I felt like I was tugging on the whole time (note to self: will not be wearing these at the 1/2).
Few other notes of news worthy interest...
- A mole ran in front of Kelly. Or maybe it was a chipmunk.
- There are a ton of bikes on the bike path...perhaps that is why it is a "bike path"?!?! Some of these bike riders are nice enough to announce that they are passing on the left, others not so much. Rude.
- Need. More. Energy Chews.
- Another mole/chipmunk/rodent got caught up on Kelly's shoe and did a little flip right in front of me. I almost stepped on it.
- And last, but definitely NOT LEAST...
- HUGE CONGRATS TO KELLY AND CRISTEN FOR RUNNING THEIR FIRST EVER 10 MILES!!!! This is the longest distance they both have ever ran! Cristen just did her first farthest on Friday of 6 miles and 2 days later does 10! Kelly said she will sign up for a 1/2 Marathon now!!! I felt so honored to be there with them for HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! Thank you girls!!! XOXO
Run. Strong.
-t- Half Marathon here she comes!!! |
Cristen!!!! Just One More Mile! Or 4 more!!! |
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