So, today was supposed to be a 8 mile long run. Instead it was a 4 mile Tempo Run. BFFAE's allergies/asthma were a mess this morning! Which was fine. I was feeling an 8 miler, but was okay with a Tempo as well. Tempo was nice. I was a little sore from the chiropractor yesterday and still trying to recover from those hill repeats on Monday. The "oh so trusty" Nike app said my average pace was 12:21/mile. I do promise that when I was walking, I paused my run. Boss Lady said that a tempo run is "running at a set pace, set mileage." So, if I needed to do 4 miles at Tempo, then it has to be 4 miles running at Tempo. And if I walk, then it doesn't count. So that's what I did. BFFAE did not turn hers off and it said over 6 miles. So, there.
I will get my long run in this weekend. Sunday hopefully. I will drag my dad and Deb out with me! Dad can ride his bike (with water and Gu). Deb can speed-walk. I can run. All will be fine. I will get it done. I promise. (HA! I haven't told them this yet...let's see if they read my blog!)
So, on this Tempo, our route included the infamous Farrell Road. I wanted BFFAE to see the hill where I love my hill repeats. It is a love-hate relationship. So, she started up it. About half way up, she stopped and turned to me. I am pretty sure she gave me the look I give Boss Lady/Training Lady when I am doing the hill repeats. I told her to keep going! She started at it again. At the top she admitted it's hard. Duh. I've been telling you that. And to think we do it 3 more times! FUN! BUT! The good news is she has now challenged herself to do them!!! YES!!! I didn't really have any intent on running it. But I did. Part of it. I will say that walking it is HARDER than running it. And it still sucks.
Our route went to the Rec Center where we got some water and then finished the run back out the Rec and thru the neighborhood. When the iPod said 4 miles, we walked a little bit. We were about 3 long blocks from home. Less than half-way to home, we both said, "let's run some more! So we kicked it in and an to home. It was so exhilarating!" I probably could have ran another 4 at that point. With another water stop. But it was already 7:30ish and we both had things to do before POOL TIME! I really need to try and run more when my body/mind say they could run more after they have already run the designated distance. (Boy that was wordy!)

Happy Birthday BFFAE!
So happy to share in this moment with you!
OH! I want to add that my July running total was 43.3 miles, average pace of 14:30/mile! I might add that June was 36 miles, average pace of 16:00/mile! So ROCK THAT! Granted my "hard core" training kicked-in full-force in July, but I was still running a lot in June logging four 5ks that month! Let's challenge ourselves to DO MORE in August!
And finally...
Some of you have been texting me or asking me when you see me about my grandmother. She is now at Hospice in Akron. I am going home Saturday morning. She is resting. I won't say peacefully because I have heard that it hasn't been peaceful at times. So, she is resting. My run this morning was filled with thoughts and silent prayers for her. Please say a prayer for her on your next run/walk.
Run. Strong. Prayers.
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