Those were my exact thoughts as I finished the last .25 mile this morning! That and how sore I was gonna be. And how tired I am.
All those things have been true. What is also true is that I LOVED IT!
It was a perfect morning for a run too! Even more perfect that BFFAE was there too! It was cool, but not too cold. A good, dare I say it, fall like morning!
B-E-A-Utiful morning!
Headed out with a brisk walk, to of course get creeped out by the 3 raccoons, again. Scurrying from a yard into the sewer. They are just gross! We just laughed! Last time we saw some too! Soooo creepy!
Our run was taking us thru the hateful Rec Center. I only say hateful because I don't care for the track. At least one side of it. Thankfully, I did not map it on that side. Whew! Out Rec thru Copperfield development, to Mulberry where we encountered a beautiful sunrise and fog patch. It was like walking (or in our case running) thru one of those misters! So refreshing!! Continuing onto Ashbury Farms where the lovely Kelly was waiting with smile and ice cold H2O! She rocks! And she was ready to run! We had logged 3.5 miles by this point. She was gonna finish the 6.5 with us (and then some if my calculations are correct! GO KELLY!).
By this time we had only seen, 2 cars...maybe? It is good to know that the peeps of Vandizzle do sleep! Ha!
Onto Dixie we head. North that is, where Kelly pointed out that it is somewhat hilly. 2 to be exact. She even suggested running that route for our hill repeats. Huh. Come do Farrell Kell, and you will never suggest again! (wink!). East on Alkaline to Bennert. Easy breezy. It's part of the mile warm up before speed work. Saw a couple of kids. It was probably only 7am by this time. Wonder what trouble they were up too?!?! To Ranchview to National. I. Want. Water. No one else did. Too bad. Head into BK for some waaaatttteeeeerrrr. The manager takes one look at us and hands us 3 cups. We rehydrate. Chomp on a chomp and back at it we go. It's tough going though. BFFAE's calf muscle is bulging. It's cramped pretty bad. A few stretches and she's pushing thru! She is so hardcore!
Around James Bohanon to Maple to Skyview. Memories of the St. Chris 5k a couple years ago start flooding back. That race was dreadful. It was so hot. They ran out of water. I haven't done that race since. Today, the course wasn't as daunting. I was actually running and enjoying it. Amazing how far I've come.
Inverness to Dixie. Ahhhh. Here we go. Home stretch. Down Dixie to National to Long. Those sidewalks SUCK! But by this time the traffic has picked up a bit and it's not as safe to run in the street. People are out for their Sunday donuts and coffee or late for church.

Helke to Buttercup! Woohoo! Almost there! Amor! Vista! Oh my house! And wouldn't ya know....hits 10.0 EXACTLY right in front of my house! What an accomplishment! Walk it out to BFFAE's house. Walk back. We did it!
10 miles. 13:06/mile. 2:11:13.
All in all it was a great run!

Grab some cherries! Love cherries! Water!
I think it was the socks! SUPER FAST NEON GREEN SOCKS like the Olympiads!
(Thanks Deb!)
So. Sunday night. I am still sore. I need to work on my recoveries.
I can't wait to do 12 this weekend! SIKE!
Run. Strong.
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