And my LR is done!
Sure, it was just a small 6 miler, but nevertheless, it's done. And that feels good.
I get to sleep in this weekend. I don't have to get up at dark o'thirty to run this weekend. And because I don't have to, I probably will. As a matter of a fact, at the Butler scrimmage tonight I found myself thinking about a run tomorrow morning. Not at o'dark thirty, but when I wake up. Which with my luck will be early.
The run this morning was, oh, pleasant? Yeah, pleasant. I turned my app on before I started running, but remembered to look at it when we did start running (.20 warmup) and knew that I had to run for the full 6, which then meant I had to run until my app said 6.20. YAY! Easy.
BFFAE went camping last night and is gone all weekend :( so I had to find a running partner! Kelly to the rescue! We were supposed to meet at 5:15am, but when that alarm went off at 4:30, I just couldn't move. And the continuance snooze did no good. I needed this run, but I didn't need it that early I guess? So we met at 5:45. Which was fine. It wasn't as dark, which is good too. But it was still dark. Very cloudy. Stormy cloudy too! And out the Rec we run into Shirley and her running buddy. They looked like they had been on a very intense and fast run! When I told her we were going for 6, she says, with a smile of course "If you're feeling good, go for 8!" CrAzY tAlK!!!! I was just fine with my 6. Kelly didn't even want 6.
This was not a foreign 6 mile route for me. It's the same route I did on my last 6 miles a couple of weeks ago. Rec Center to McDonalds and back. A basic out and back. Easy breezy!
Everything was good. Felt GREAT! New shoes and all! Socks on the right feet! Saw one resident setting her trash out...darn raccoons, which I should add I DID NOT SEE ONE!...said hello and she said hello back! Wanted to stop and ask if she voted for the levy...yes, it still bothers me! Saw another person (not sure of gender) waiting for the bus and said hello and received the same in return. 2 for 2. Score!
National Road sidewalk still S-U-C-K! And when it's dark, it's even worse. You can't see the slightest obstruction. I shouldn't say that all of National Road is bad...just the part from Helke Road to about the old Morton. Yeah, that's about right!
We got super lucky at the crossings too....walk signs and red lights! WOOOOHOOOO! No stopping and waiting for traffic to pass or dodging cars. Although I would have welcomed a quick rest. But alas, we keep running. All. The. Way. To. McDonalds. I think it took us about 40 minutes to get there. Which seems reallllly long! Anyhow, people in McDonalds weren't as friendly as the first time. Maybe it was the time of the morning this time. Who knows. Get our water and back out the door we go. Gulp. Gulp. I am feeling GREAT!
Kick it into gear cause now we can see the drivers coming at us. Look good. Look strong. Wait, there is no looking, WE ARE!
Getting ready to turn onto Helke and I see Christie! She FB'd me this week about how inspiring I have been and how she wants to get in on this running thing! SURE! So, imagine my delight to actually see her at the gas station as I am out running! It was uber cool!
We are about 1.5 miles from the end of the run. My body is talking and my mind is starting to listen. Seriously, that exact thought went thru my head. So, I tell my mind to SHUT IT! I know your right foot is tingling. I know the left butt cheek is shooting pain. But my legs are still going so it just needs to shut up. Then I realize that my upper body is almost, dare I say, bored?! Weird right? I tell Kelly this and she totally agrees. It's like if I could be lifting weights or something and it would have been entertaining. I don't know. Maybe not really lifting weights. I think I will change my music and see if that helps any. Just the weirdest thing. Ever. The thoughts leave me as I wave real big to the trash man! Oh the simplest things I tell ya. And still no sightings of raccoons or any other rodent type animal.
Head into the Rec and we still need about .75 miles according to the oh so untrusty Nike app. I really need to just invest in the watch. So we take the west loop of the track. This is the better half. It's starting to sprinkle! YAY! I don't care if I get my new white shoes wet! Get close to the parking lot...ahhhhh my car....Rehydrate....but no, still need about .20 miles! ARGH! Around the outside of the building in front of the wall of treadmill windows, to the front, the rain is picking up...oh yes!!! This feels awesome! And we are done! YAY!!!!!
Another 6 miles in the books! I love running. I really do. So strange to say that. It's probably one of those e-cards that say at the end "no one said ever". But I am really saying that. Does that make any sense at all???
So with all that said and done, here I am contemplating my next run. Maybe it will be tomorrow. Maybe not. I do need to mow. Maybe a bike ride with Nate! Oh the possibilities are endless! Heehehehe
I love talking about running. I am humbled when people ask me about running. I feel honored when someone asks my opinion. I love the fact that people are inspired by me and want to join me! It is an honor that you see this in me. Everyone starts somewhere. I still ask for advice and support from my running friends. To me, running is a continuous learning experience. There will always be something new to a run. Whether it be a new pain, or a realization of awesomeness!
Speaking of awesomeness, I am awesome! And I don't mean to sound vain, but... I ran 6 miles NON-STOP today and I felt AMAZING! I guess this is what runners call a GOOD RUN! But I am still amazed that I am running like I am. I have done a 1/2 before and I ran a lot of it. But somehow this is different. I feel different. I think different. It's just different. It's amazing. I hope that each and every one of you get to experience that feeling at least once in your lifetime.
Enjoy your weekend. Go run. Go walk. Just go.
Run. Strong.
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I got Kelly in a picture too for her 6 miles! She is gonna be soooo mad at me! |
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