Soooooo sorry about that last night. I was tired. Not a "gonna fall asleep right at this minute" tired, but a relaxed tired. And I didn't want to get all fired about about the last 2 days if I was that relaxed.
Why was I relaxed you may be wondering? Well, that will have to wait. Oh you are so mad at me now...I can just hear you cursing me :)
If you recall, Friday we did a short run and bleachers, Saturday was my 8 mile Long Run, Sunday was an incredible 3 mile hike with Boss Lady. And it didn't stop there. Monday, Cardio Physique with Sue at the Rec Center, 7:30am. On a day off from work. WTHeck! Eh, I hadn't been to her class in awhile, okay months, and I loved how it made me feel, so this was a great opportunity to get back to it. And Training Planner/Cult Lady was going! I hadn't seen her in ages it seemed, so I was excited to see her. And I needed to chat her up about my training plan. I am in the final push after all! So, I met Boss Lady & TPCL there and we get thru this class. Man, you could tell I hadn't been in a while, but at the same time I was able to push through a lot more of the class than I had expected. Seriously, this class is the best. It completely overloads your muscles one at a time and you feel amazing afterwards! I really need to fit this class into my schedule more often! The benefits are incredible!
While I woke up yesterday a little sore, not unusual after Monday's class, I knew that I would work out the kinks at...wait for it...wait...wait....
Connie, Yogi Master (?), does it out of her home on Tuesday. You just walk right in. Take off your shoes, and walk downstairs to her basement. The house looks amazing too I might add. And the basement, just as beautiful and serene. Perfect setting for yoga. You forget you are even in someones home.
Mirrors along the one side of the wall. Lights dimmed perfectly. Candles lit against the mirrors, on shelves, all over. Soothing music streaming throughout. It smells very warm and inviting. She has all the bolsters, yoga mats, blocks, eye pillows, blankets. Everything. It was such a relaxing environment. She spoke with a relaxing, but not annoying voice. Welcomed me with excitement and warmth.
I knew this was going to be a great experience. I can't tell you all the moves, nor could I do this on my own. I can show you a "down dog" and the "warrior stance". I don't have the breathing down. And I couldn't let my mind fully relax. She did say that it takes a full 6 weeks to "adjust" to it. To really get something out of it. So, for the next 6 weeks, you know where I will be on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8pm. I look forward to the time I go and my mind completely shuts off from the outside world and all my worries fall into the earth and I become one with myself....
Seriously. Stop laughing! It was a great experience. And when Nate came home from football and complained about everything at practice, I was able to calmly look at him and tell him it's going to be okay. And he looked at me and said "are you alright?!" And I have to say I did sleep pretty good. I had some pretty funny dreams. So much so that I woke up at 6am laughing.
Yes, I missed/cancelled the run this morning. It was foggy. When that alarm went off at 4:15, my head said, oh no you don't. Then my phone started buzzing. Kelly had a pounding headache. Katie hadn't slept well. Cristen was okay either way we swung with it. My head just said no. And I really wanted another hour of the most relaxing sleep I had in a long time. After further pondering of it, I realized I hadn't had a day off from training, or any physical activity, since last Thursday. Which is fine, but sometimes I just need to rest.
Which brings me to the chat I had with TPCL on Monday. I told her I wanted to do 2-a-days for 4 weeks up to race day. She shook her head no. Intently, I might add. Highly recommend I don't do that. And here's why. I can for the first 2 weeks, but the last 2 weeks was a definite no. Nada. Negative. Don't. Do. It. My body, my legs, need to rest and recover fully if I want to have the time I want. This race is about more than completion this time, this race is personal. I want to be the best I can be. And in order for me to be the best I can be, I need to do it right and recover properly. With my legs. With my body. With my food. The week before the race will be the hardest week ever. Mostly because I can't do anything. I get to do a 2 mile tempo and 4x400's. That's it. No long run. No cross-training. Nothing. If I want to walk, it has to be a stroll. A. Slow. Stroll. With that said, I am "x-naying" the 2x days. Honestly, if I am not ready now, 4 weeks out isn't going to make me anymore ready. And truthfully, I feel ready.
But that doesn't mean that I am not going to train anymore. Don't be ridiculous! I have some of the toughest runs coming up...10 and 12 mile long runs...4 more sessions of intense speedwork...and a measly 6 mile long run. I also have a 5k in there which just so happens to fall on a 3 mile Tempo run week so that works out perfectly! And I am going to continue my yoga. And get in Cardio Physique at least once a week, for the next 2 weeks. And go see my chiropractor.
There's my plan. And I am still not telling you my anticipated finish time.
So. There. You. Go. All the juicy details from the Yoga class and the news of the last few days. It's been an adventure! You should really try yoga.
Run. Strong.
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