Monday, September 17, 2012

Random pre-race thoughts. Part 1

12 days pre-race and I'm icing my butt, my hamstring, my hip. The speed work felt great while I was doing it as honestly I didn't start to feel the pain until I was home today with Nate sick and sat more working than I would if I were at work. Dr. Pat will fix it up tomorrow. And yoga will help too!

I was reading a blog post tonight on Another Mother Runner and they were answering 10 questions about their running habits and quirks and just some random facts about them. I'm going to try and do that. Might be kinda interesting for some of you! Enlighten you to my craziness.

I'm also thinking about Amy and Melissa and their half this past weekend. It was so amazing watching those runners. It was like a wave of people just running from something or someone, but really they are just running because we like it. I didn't get to train with Amy and Melissa (they run faster than I do) but it felt like we trained together. Mostly because we both were training for a half and although it wasn't the same one and actually 2 week apart, we still shared the same experiences in training. The same fears. And the same sense of accomplishment (although mine is still 12 days away). I am just excited!

And then this wave of fear starts to come over me. It's too early to talk about those fears. But I have them. And while they scare me, they also push me and boost my confidence that I CAN DO THIS.

It's going to be bittersweet though. I will be running by myself. Me and my thoughts. Me and the half. I guess it's only appropriate. I plan to imagine people next to me. I may even carry my phone to call you when I need a push or just some encouragement. Or distraction. Or maybe not. Maybe I just need to put in my "less big girl" panties and just let myself run.

And this injury on my hip is beginning to freak me out! It's different from me PF in the spring. I can't explain it. It's not like it hurts more or less. It's just there and it's annoying.

I am totally rambling. It's time to get some sleep. Hope you enjoyed this random post there will be more to come I am sure.

Run. Strong.

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