Yeah, you read that right!! UNDER 5 MINUTES 1/2 MILE! Last time I did the 800's was 08/29/12 and the times were 5:06, 5:05, 5:12, 5:11. Remember, this was the one that I knew I should have kicked it in at the end and didn't...
But let me tell you how amazing it felt first.
Me, Cristen, Kelly |
I met up with Cristen and Kelly at the HS at our usual o'dark 5am and we started off on our warmup walk off the school grounds and then started running. We all agreed that the first 20 steps of running are the hardest ones to take. It's all about finding your groove, rhythm, mojo, sync, whatever you want to call it. It's working out the kinks. About 1/2 mile into it we were in a groove. Turning the corner to head back to the HS, I almost considered just going running that morning and doing speed work later in the week, because I was feeling sooooo good. I love when I feel that good on a run! It's just an ahhhhhhmazing feeling!
We meander into the track and start off right away. I only had 3 to do and just wanted to get going on them. I was curious to see how well I was going to do these in. It's the last hard speed work workout (4x400's next week). I didn't look back to see what I did the last 800's in. I just knew I had 6 minutes to get 1/2 mile (2x around the track, 800). And that was the only goal I was going for.
The first one felt fast. But my legs didn't hurt. My hip didn't hurt. I was breathing good (despite still feeling a large mammal sitting on my chest). When I checked the time, I was SHOCKED! I mean seriously? Okay. I will take it. Even Cristen commented that it felt fast. We walked 1/2 the track and started right back into #2. Again, feeling great. No stingers. No pain. Breathing good. Okay. And then checked the time. WHAT?! That was faster? Crap. I thought I had slowed down a little bit! I guess not! Half way around the track to recover and back at it. Last one. And we shoot off. Only this time, the 2nd time around about 3/4 done, I throw out the f'bomb and pick up my pace. Not because I looked at my watch, cause I didn't, but because I just felt the need to. Cristen is still going strong next to me. And we are D-O-N-E. She immediately says "I'm gonna puke". I say, "I am too. We just did that one in 4:52!" O-M-G WE REALLY JUST RAN THAT FAST??? Oh, the fast people do! HA! We were fast today! Full walk around the track. I don't remember a single conversation. I think maybe Kelly was talking about Lauren's homecoming dress? Or maybe we were talking about the weather. Maybe we didn't talk. I know I was just trying to breath!
I honestly pushed myself today like I don't ever recall pushing myself. I remembered back to the first time I tried the 800's with Boss Lady and Training Planner Cult Lady. I remember thinking I was going to die. Wondering if I would ever be good at these. I can tell you today. I am good at these. I think I actually like speed work. I know, Kelly. I know. Track workout is a great workout. It really gives you an opportunity to push yourself each lap around the track. It's a great way to gauge your comfort level and step outside that comfort level and do what you thought you couldn't do.
I challenge you all to try a track workout.
Nate is home sick from school today with appears to be a flu bug. I am avoiding him at all costs. Where are you FedEx???
Run. Strong.
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