And it was the hardest run yet! Not only on my body, but just trying to get it in! The plan was to go Wednesday morning since Nate had football games Wednesday and Thursday night. I also wanted to get it in 2 days pre-race so that my body could fully recover. AND, I was to see Dr. Pat on Thursday so I wanted to make sure it was done so he could work out the last kinks! Well, Wednesday morning it was going to rain. So we postponed until Wednesday night after the football game. Should be able to run by 7:45! That was the plan. Success. Shelly was already out running so I pick her up as she is running to my house; scramble over to Katie's in a stalking fashion to kidnap her; Kelly is waiting at the Rec. She sends me a text. She has been watching the radar. It is going to dump on us in a matter of minutes. It's only 2 miles. We can do 2 miles. We will run fast. We will get wet. It will be fun. Those are the mantras running thru my head. And a quick prayer to my grandmother.
Power walk out of the Rec Center to the un-asphalt area and begin run. No headphones. No phone. The pitter of the rain falling. The cars splashing by. It was soothing. I am achey. I feel like I have a wooden peg for a right leg. Work it out. Work it out. Half way down Stone Quarry, hobble gone. I am running. Feels good. Katie and Shelly are laughing (I think they had a little too much wine prior to this was a spontaneous run after all...) All that I can think about is not falling, tripping, wiping out! I just want to be done! It's only 2 miles.
Down to the bottom of Stone Quarry. Turn around and back up we go. It's a small hill. I go slow. I stop. I walk. All I hear is Dr. Pat telling me to walk the hill. Walk the hill. Okay. Okay. Fine. Walk it. It's not going to kill me to walk. Up the hill and back at it I go!
And we are done. Last run before I have to go 13.1 miles.
We smile. Get our picture taken. Then me. Like my Bondi Band? NAMASTE. Thank you Kelly! Oh, and nice DUCK FACE Katie! LOL
Me, Kelly, Shelly, Katie |
This run was special. Inge, the Swedish trainer, aka Shelly, was on this run with me. If you recall from my first half, Inge did some runs with me. She helped me thru my first training. So to have her on my last run for this half was really cool. I think I just teared up... Thanks Shelly.
I am going to miss my BFFAE on Saturday. I am going to miss my running buddies Cristen, Kelly, Katie, Lisa. I am going to miss Boss Lady and Training Planner Cult Lady. But they will all be with me as I make this run. I will have all the fun memories, like a slide show, playing in my head. I can almost see it now.
More to come today and tomorrow leading up to Saturday.... The ahhhhhmazing Dr. Pat, Race Prep, Expo, FUN STUFF!!!!
Run. Strong.
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