Thursday, September 27, 2012

And we are here....

The above site is where you can track me via text, email, FB. If I haven't already registered you, have it at!

Expo was AWESOME!!!!! I love expos. All these people in one place for a common thing. To run. Whether it was 13.1 or 26.2 or Relay. It is bonding. I was pretty giddy. Deanna was too! And we spent some money. Not a lot. But enough. Found some cool sunglasses which I hope to get for Christmas. Added more bondi bands to my collection. Got a cool 13.1 Tshirt. Some ideas for gifts! I could have spent a lot of money!!!

We got a little crazy taking pictures too! But it was sooooo cool! Deb is a "Founder". The Akron Marathon is in its 10th year! This is the 10th time Deb has ran it, however, the first time she was part of a relay team. So she doesn't count it. Whatever. She's done this race for 10 years. And this year it almost didn't happen due to an injury and then surgery and just being released 5 weeks ago to run. So like the C25K program, she has gone from "mush to marathon" in 5 weeks. She's not looking to PR. She is just thankful that she can do it. I believe in her. It's pretty awesome!

My dad is running in the first leg of the Marathon Relay. Then jumping on his bike to catch up with Deb! He does this every year. I am going to get him to run a half with me sometime. I just think that would be the coolest thing ever. But even seeing him on his bike while I'm out there is gonna be pretty awesome too!

Check out the car! My name was on it! EVERY RUNNERS NAME IS ON IT! Sooooo freaking cool!!!

Deanna and I were joking earlier about her missing the split from the halfers to the fullers. See, at the Cap this past spring she ran the quarter marathon. And when that split from the halfers she almost missed it! Can you imagine missing the split between the half and the full!!?!?!! Oh hell no!!!

I was able to play with my niece and Nate tonight before I had to hibernate. They were racing. It was soo cute! I can't wait to see them cheering me I tomorrow. Before I left, Nate says to me, "Good luck mom. You got this! Im proud of ya". I wanted to stand there and big him forever! I've been feeling guilty the last week or so that I haven't spent much time with him. And when I relay this guilt to him he says "you run at 430am I am sleeping. It's fine!" And I know he's right. But hearing him say he's proud of me really melted my heart! You always hope your children take after you. I hope he picks up the running bug when he sees his mom running tomorrow. Love you Nate!

And that's that. I'm tired. But excited too. Bad combo when you have to go to sleep and get up in 8 hours.

I can't wait to tell you all about it!

Thank you to each one of you for all your support and encouragement! You will all be out there tomorrow with me!

Run. Strong.

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