Mile Repeats (3) WITHOUT PAIN! |
The week started out good. Speed-work was complete (mile repeats). TWO visits to the ahhhhmazing Dr. Pat (lucky me!). Yoga did wonders (and so did Dr. Pat) Tuesday on my hit/butt/hamstring! A short 2.25 run on Thursday. And then I rested Friday. Headed out Saturday morning at o'dark 6am for what I was aiming to be a 6-8 mile run. My plan called for a 12 mile run. However, after the slight injury earlier this week and having to visit the chiropractor TWICE, it was recommended that I just shoot for 6-8 and then maybe finish it up on Sunday. So, that was the plan.
Get into McDonalds for some H2O and then head back out thru the plat behind BHS. It's a nice, rolling hill type of neighbor. And it's quiet. And we usually see it in the dark. And then I called my dad. I just wanted to. I don't know why. So I put him on speaker and we all chatted with him. Spelled "FOCUS". I was focused. We were focused. Honestly, this run was feeling great! Cristen found a quarter. She said it was for me; for my race fund. But she found it. I can't really keep it. But she said she would have lost it. So I will start her race fund! She's muuuuuch closer than I am. I only have 12 cents!
Our route led us up to Fabulous Farrell Road! I was secretly excited about this. I missed the hill repeat workout on Wednesday (mean, but right Dr!) so I was looking forward to going up it. Even if I didn't make it up, I was excited to try it! It had been about 3 weeks since I had done the workout. I thought it would be fun to video record actually running up the hill. And it was pretty successful. Buuuuutttttt, it's really shaky. And I couldn't download the entire thing. So, you are just gonna have to run it yourself! :)
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Can ya see the longhorns? Such a perfect picture! |
At this point in the run we had only been about 4 miles in. I really wanted to get at least 6. I knew if we went back up the route that we usually do it would only be 5 miles. Not enough. So, we lengthened it and went up Mulberry. Again, a slight hilly road. And curvy. But it was worth it. The longhorns were out! I know, you are thinking, Longhorns, like the animal? In Vandalia? Yep. And Kelly called her house to have them bring some water out to us!
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Cristen, Me, Kelly, Lisa |
We then stalked thru Copperfield (mile repeat route) and back over to the Rec Center. 6.3 miles. Wasn't quite 12, nor 8. There was minimal walking (except up a smalllll portion of FFR). And honestly, my legs and feet and butt felt pretty good. It was my belly that had other ideas. So, naturally I had to call it quits. I was going to try and get more in on Sunday anyhow.
After this run, Kelly and I were gonna head down to the AF Marathon and cheer on our friends Amy and Melissa (sisters) who were running the 1/2! We hadn't told them we were going because we wanted to surprise them! We called them while we were out running (right about the time we got to the longhorns) to wish them luck! They sounded nervous. But excited. Probably just ready to run! I hate that waiting game. We got down there to mile 9 where it was a "designated spectator area". YAY AMY AND MELISSA!!!! And they were so excited to see us! It took a bit of yelling and jumping to get their attention but when we did, they were all smiles and happy to see us! Seeing friends and family on the route can really get you going and mentally thru the rest of the race (ahem, family and friends in Akron).
I literally got chills watching all those runners. It was just amazing! I got so psyched! They looked so STRONG. So FAST. When I saw what would be my pace come thru, I was equally excited. Because they were out there. They were doing it. And for about a half a second, I thought, maybe I would do this race. And then it went away. But I stood there and rang my cowbell as loud as I could! I screamed for them. I yelled for them. I told them great job. I called them by name (your name is on your bib). I high-five some of them (sweaty hands and all). And I rang the cow bell LOUDER when they would say "MORE COWBELL!" It was quite exhilarating. I am ready for my race. I can't wait for my race.
Amy and Melissa finished under their desired time of 2:20! So happy for them!
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They are in the blue shirts!!! |
Sunday got me out with Boss Lady for a few miles. We ran one. But walked 3. And it was a power walk. She doesn't walk slow by any means. I always enjoy my "Boss Lady" time.
I am pretty impressed with my watch! |
So, tomorrow is Monday. And I am officially in taper down mode. I have an appointment with the chiro. Speed-work of 3x800's. 6 mile long run. A 5k on Saturday. And yoga! It's gonna be a busy week. But I am looking forward to it. I have so many thoughts in my head about what I need to do before the race. Silly things. Like, what I need to pack, what I plan on doing when I get home. I think I may have to make a list. And then make another one. I have jotted down some random thoughts that I will blog about before race day. My thoughts are so random. You may just find out what I ate for dinner.
I might add that I feel like an elephant sitting on my chest right now. Which is partly why I didn't mind the power walk with Boss Lady. My chest is so tight. It's allergies. But just in case, I am loading up on zinc with my AdvoCare CitriZinc chews! Boss Lady and Training Planner Cult Lady swear by them when they start to feel like they are getting sick.
With that said, I am exhausted.
Run. Strong.
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