Wednesday, February 29, 2012

37 and counting...

No, this isn't days till the 1/2...but rather my age today. Er, yesterday. Yep, I turned 37 yesterday. I took the day off.  I went for a run. 2.5 miles. A training run. It was GREAT! I love running in the mornings. I love running. It was an enlightening run. I ran west while the sun was rising and ran east after it had come up a little. It was BEAUTIFUL!  I recollected where I have been the last few years and where I am going in the next few years. I've come a long way. Not exactly where I want to be, but I am a LOT closer. And that is good.

If I had been asked last year where I thought I'd be in a year, I don't think I would have said "training for a 1/2 marathon". Heck I don't know what I would have said. I know last year I was nursing a hangover. This year, I was nursing my plantar facetious. But I'm okay with that because it means I am doing something that hurts, but will feel good.

So, where will I be next year, probably training for this same 1/2 marathon. Why not. Maybe it will become the 1/2 that I just "do". Like the 5k in town that I do every 4th of July because it's my Independence Day Run. The one that sets me free and opens the door to the possiblities that I never knew I had.

Happy 37th Birthday to Me.

1 comment:

  1. You are only 37? You're such a baby!!! You got this thing girl!!!
