Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A new house!

Tempo Tuesday. Done. 3 miles. Times not great but better than first tempo. Kelly and Boss Lady really pushed me and I had fun distractions tonight! Katie, who after tonight will be renamed ROCKSTAR because she managed to push a double jogging stroller with her beautiful toddler daughter getting in and out to run with us while her 5 year old son rode his bike, came out too! Hence the children being pleasant distractions watching them run and laugh. And oh how I wanted to get in that stroller at times....but I didn't.  Cristen just got back from vacation last night so she wasn't able to join us 😕. 

The run was good. It wasn't too hateful. But it wasn't too loving either. But I enjoyed it. And the fact that it started with some baby Brantley lovin' and Carson time was a nice bonus! And I knew that the sooner I got back I could get some more!

So we did. And I pushed through those 3 miles. I know the plan calls for more miles by now, but realistically, my head doesn't want more. And my pace is still not where it should be.  One. Step. At. A. Time. 

Boss Lady did PUSH me the last .10. She asked that I give it my all. And she said PLEASE. How was I gonna turn that down?!?! So I did. But, when my watch beeped at 3 miles, I stopped. And I didn't hesitate. It is good to be pushed. Oh, and I did tell Kelly to "shut up"... And then promptly apologized. She meant well. She was cheering me on telling me I could do it. She understood though. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 

Funny story...3/4 of a mile to go to the finish, Boss Lady notices a play house siting on a curb. She runs over there and I continue on.  She catches up. Tells me the play house had a sign on it that said "FREE" (of course it did...she is so lucky with stuff like that!). She moves it up onto the driveway, tells the homeowners she will be back to get it. And then runs to catch up with me.  We finish the run, get back to her house, get the truck and go get the house. Carson is soooo excited when he sees us pull up with this house! Squeals of joy! Boss Lady's husband, well, wouldn't say joyful, but still smiling! Too funny! 

As I was leaving Boss Lady's house, I was smiling. This run had a happy ending. And I was happy. I felt good on the run. I did it. I felt better than I did on my first tempo. I'm actually looking forward to Tempo Tuesdays. Wonder what we will find on the next run!

Run. Strong. 

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