Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The AMAZING weather and other things...

So, today was THE DAY! The day I got to go the AMAZING Dr. Prikkel for my PF. This guy is HI-LARIOUS! But also very SMART! As any doctor should be. He gave it to me straight.

Here's the deal... It's bad. But it's fixable?! (is that even a word?!) I told him EVERYTHING I have been doing since the flares...ice bottle rolls, golf ball rolls (hateful!), silly looking boots and splints, STRETCHING, STRETCHING, oh and did I mention STRETCHING! Yep, I'm doing it all right. Let's look now...a few gentle (I LIE!) pushes on my heels with his thumbs and I thought for sure I jumped out of my chair and to the moon!  But within a few more pushes I was feeling relief...or so my head was telling me...no, it did feel good once I got used to the pain! HA!  Then onto the board...that kooky chiropractor board/chair/contraption that costs $15k he says....stretch my foot, pop my ankle, massage my calf....ahhhhhhh....if I could have gotten him to paint my toes it would have been the ULTIMATE AMAZING day! But alas, I digress. Some electric shocking pad thingies onto the bottom of my feet and again I about jumped to the moon at the first shock! But oh did that feel good too. Now I have some black tape on my feet. Some Kinesis tape and I am out the door with an appointment to go back Friday with my silly boots and splints and running shoes!

And here's the BEST part...He must have told me 3 times that I shouldn't run the 1/2. I must have told him 3 times that I was doing the 1/2. Because all I really heard was "run". Okay, well, here's the thing. Since this "injury", I have concluded that I may not be able to RUN the entire 13.1 miles. My goal has always been COMPLETION. Whether I walk it or run it. But I will run AS MUCH AS I POSSIBLY CAN!!! Because in my mind, I don't earn a 13.1 sticker for my car if I don't RUN SOME OF IT!!! (secretly preferably 1/2 of it to make it a "1/2" after all!)  Well, by the 3rd time of me telling him that I have to do this, he finally relented and said, well, you may just have to walk some of it. OKAY! FINALLY! (He knows my "cult" so he knows that I will do this. I wouldn't doubt if he has called them to tell them I shouldn't do this...oh HIPPA...)

So with all that...I am off to ICE because it is throbbing right now. Which doesn't surprise me because of the "things" the AMAZING Dr. Prikkel did to it today.

Oh, and you know what the most DEPRESSING part of the day was, but also the most INSPIRING part of the day was....driving thru the Oakwood/UD area and seeing ALL the people out running!!! If there were 3, there were 15! It was AMAZING! THE WEATHER WAS AMAZING!!!!

Run for me my friends...until Friday when I find out the fate of my weekend training...

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