Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's the SHOES!!!!!!!!!

I swear! It's the shoes!!!!! It's not me or my gait. It's not the way I run or don't run. It's not how much I stretch or don't stretch! IT'S THE FREAKIN' SHOES! How do I know this you ask... Well, let me tell you....

Went to Cardio BootCamp tonight with my dear friend Kelly at the Rec Center. She has raved about this class for weeks and I have been wanting to try a cardio class for core strength. This is definitely the class for that! 50 minutes, 2 nights a week. Easy Breezy!  Well, 15 minutes into it and 1 lap around the indoor track my foot is shooting pain! I push thru as I always do! But MAN AM I IN PAIN!!!! I am truly convinced it's the shoes. Seriously, my feet should not hurt like this. Not during a class. If I am wrong, then tell me so.

I did make an appointment with a Sports Medicine Chiropractor recommended by one of my "cult" running friends. I am really looking forward to this. I will let you know how that all goes next week. The appointment is Tuesday, 3/20.

In the meantime, I am getting new shoes this week. I will go and get fitted AGAIN, but at a different store. I will ice. I will stretch. I will sleep with ugly boots. I will roll a golf ball until you hear me scream in Akron. I will do more core exercises to keep me in shape.

Because sitting dormant/lazy and resting my foot the last 2 days SUCKED!

Stupid shoes!


  1. My podiatrist recommended Brooks. They are expensive but very well known in the PF world. I know you can push through anything because you are determined but don't push it too far and get hurt. <3

  2. Thanks Ash! I am going on Tuesday and will most likely stop at the store and get some!
