Monday, March 12, 2012

More of the same....heel pain....

So, didn't quite make it a full 5 miles yesterday. 3.05 to be exact. Had full plan to do so too! Even tricked Nate into going with me by telling him 1. he could ride his bike 2. It would only be 3 miles. Little did I know that 1.5 miles in my heel would say HELL NO! Pain.Shooting.Right.Up.My.Leg. I stop. I walk. Felt like crawling. Stretched it on the curb. And walked some more. Got to a point where I thought "okay. seriously. suck it up. try and run. just try. if you can't, you can't. but try. finish this out. go just a little farther. you can almost see home. come on. you can do this. you are on a busy road. someone will stop if you fall." I start running. Heel still hurts but there is no shooting pain. At this point I just want to get home and put it in an ice bath. I can see me sitting outside (cause it was ABSOLUTELY B-E-A-UTIFUL) with my foot in an ice bath. I make it home.

I was disappointed in myself though. It was a 15 something minute mile. After coming off a 13 min/mile it's hard to accept anything less. And it didn't even feel like a full 3 mile run! That really torqued me off! It was probably more like a 2.5 mile full run. YUCK! I NEEDED 5!

I know I am going to have days during this process of training that I will not be able to run because of my foot. But I feel like a failure. I don't like to fail.

After the race on Saturday after the race, my girls and I went to the running store. I wanted to get some new shoes. Paul, the worker, asked what was ailing me. I tell him. He refuses to re-fit me until my PF is more manageable. Define "MANAGEABLE". Able to walk without a limp is my definition. So, I will give myself a couple more days and then go get fitted, again, for a better shoe. While checking out with some GU and a cool "RUNNER GIRL" sticker, he says to me "IT'S BETTER TO BE UNDERTRAINED AND HEALTHY AT THE START LINE, then to be OVERTRAINED AND UNHEALTHY". Fine. I get it.  But tell that to my trainers and the "cult" that set this plan up for me...and tell ME that over and over as I continue to go out there and push myself to limits unknown.

Maybe Wednesday I will be better to run?

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