Saturday, March 10, 2012

First 5k of MY Season

Welp. I set the precedence for rest of my 5k season
Chipped time of: 40:12.5 (41:36.5 at gun)
Mile Pace: 13:25/M

And that's the pace for all my other 5ks in the 2012 Race Season. Oh boy!  I must say though, this is UNBELIEVABLE! I did it though! As I have mentioned before, I have been doing 5k's since 2009. July. 2009. So, I am not a full 3 years into them yet and this is the first time I have BEAT MY TIME! AND reduced my time by almost 4 minutes in (almost) 3 years!!!! YAY ME!!!!!!!

So hear are a few of my random thoughts about today and the events prior to, during, and of course after the race....
1. Shelly the Trainer wants a new name. Something "Swedish" she says! Um. Okay.
2. Shelly the Trainer also apparently doesn't know what a bag is before a race. Now! In her defense for today, she ran to my house prior to go to the race. She only lives 1.07 miles from my house. Not a far run. So she couldn't bring a bag with whatever she may need like MY BFFAE, Deanna, and myself had. That's for another blog though...
3. Not one of us in the car this morning had any idea where Harrigan's was. But we got there. And then thought it looked like a pretty cool place.
4. Maybe an hour before the race is a bit early to get there when you have already picked your packet up (THANK YOU AGAIN DEANNA!!!!). However, getting there an hour early does allow for some serious people watching/observing, er, I mean, stretching?! Nah, I ain't gonna lie...we saw some very interesting things/people/outfits/get-ups...and let's not forget the conversations we also heard while waiting for the race to begin...
5. I don't like hills. Didn't know there were hills. None of us checked the route out. They weren't bad. But I don't like hills. Vandalia doesn't have hills! Why does Kettering??? I better train on some hills just in case the 1/2 has a hill or 5...But what I learned...what goes up, must come down. I also learned that while running uphill SUCKS, running downhill also SUCKS! It is just as hard, a little easier, but still sucks.
6. My breathing was good. My third lung kicked in just at the right time. I should have talked more too, so Shelly the SWEDISH trainer says...However, I shouldn't talk with my headphones I TALK VERY LOUDLY....SO LOUDLY THAT JEN (MY BFFAE) COULD HEAR ME AHEAD OF HER! But I don't think I wanted to talk. I wanted to write. Shelly the Swedish trainer should bring a notebook next time so I can dictate my thoughts to her for this blog.
7. Jen, MY BFFAE, has always beat me to the finish line.That's ok. I have a cheering section when I finish! That secretly makes me happy! And I usually lose sight of her before the 1st mile is up. BUT! That was not the case today! She was in my eyesight the ENTIRE TIME! I watched her ponytail swing (wink...told ya!) 
8. PB toast, even one piece, is not a good thing to eat prior to the run.IN-DI-GES-TION.
9. I kicked it into HIGH GEAR the last 1/2 mile...thanks to Shelly. "Hit a powersong, Tami". Okay! She kept up...damnit! Was kinda hoping she'd fall behind and just watch me run like the wind! Maybe I need to convey that to her next time.
10. And lastly, was a great race today. I feel great. I'm glad this one is over though. 2 more 5k's before the 1/2.

Tomorrow, it's a long run. 5 MILER. But we have a plan. Now to rest my foot (incredible heal pain today!) and gear up for tomorrow.

Run my friends. Run. ;-)

Tami Henderson

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